Loed 534 Service Manual


. ® LOED MATERIAL HANDLER MODEL 534A Service Manual PART NO. 9020-5896 This manual describes the LOED Handler as origionally designed and built by the LOED Corporation.

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The LOED Handler product line was purchased October 15, 1982 by The Warner & Swasey Co., a subsidiary of The Bendix Corporation. Descriptions and specifications shown herein are subject to change without notice. IMPORTANT READ AND UNDERSTAND THIS MANUAL BEFORE STARTING, OPERATING OR PERFORMING MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES ON THIS MACHINE. CONTENTS Service/replacement parts. 3 Capacity.

4 Nomenclature. 5 Retraction chain replacement. GENERAL INFORMATION IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTICE Safe operation depends on reliable equipment and proper operating procedures.

Performing the checks and services described in this manual will help to keep your Gradall Handler in reliable condition and use of the recommended operating procedures can help you avoid accidents. Because some procedures may be new to even the experienced operator we recommend that this manual be read, understood and followed by all who operate the unit. SERVICE Yo u r L O E D H a n d l e r d i s t r i b u t o r i s p r o p e r l y e q u i p p e d t o s e r v i c e y o u r L O E D H a n d l e r. R e p a i r s s h o u l d b e m a d e b y t r a i n e d a n d q u a l i f i e d s e r v i c e p e r s o n n e l o n l y.

CAUTION: Do not attempt to repair your machine unless you are trained and qualified to do so. Modifications must not be made unless prior approval has been obtained from LOED C o r p o r a t i o n. MODEL 534 6,000# Capacity FIGURE 1 4. NOMENCLATURE FIGURE 2 1. COMPENSATING CYLINDER 2.


LIFT CYLINDER 12. RETRACTION CHAIN REPLACEMENT DISSASSEMBLY 1. Retract boom completely. Remove rear boom cover. Remove extension (large) chain adjusting nut and jam nut. Remove hose retainer nuts and jam nuts. Disconnect hoses.

Remove bolts holding hose guide pan to front of strongback. Remove strongback. Unpin retraction (small) chain from chain ears at back of third section. Unpin retraction chain from section one ears (access hole in bottom of section).

Pull chain out back of boom. FIGURE 3 1. Guide Pan Strongback Hose Retainer Nuts Extension Chain Nuts Section One Section Two 7. EXTENSION CHAIN REPLACEMENT DISSASSEMBLY 1. Retract boom completely. Remove rear boom cover.

Remove extension (large) chain adjusting and jam nuts. Remove hose retainer and jam nuts. Disconnect hoses. Remove bolts holding hose guide pan to front of strongback. Remove strongback. Unpin retraction (small) chain from chain ears at back of third section. Allow chain to lie on bottom of 1st section.

Unbolt take-up beam bracket from back of section two. FIGURE 4 1. Guide Pan Strongback Hose Retainer Nuts Extension Chain Nuts Section One 6.

Loed 534 service manual

BOOM HOSE REPLACEMENT IF HOSE IS INTACT 1. Remove rear boom cover. Disconnect hose retainer and remove tensioning spring. Connect new hose to old hose with short length of steel wire. Disconnect old hose at back of section three. Carefully pull new hose along guide pan and around reel while pulling old hose out back of boom. Connect new hose to tube line at rear of section three.

Reassemble hose retainer and reinstall. Connect hose. Replace rear boom cover.

SHIFT CONTROL LINKAGE ADJUSTMENT 1. P u t s h i f t c o n t r o l i n 1 s t g e a r.

A d j u s t v a l v e l i n k a g e ( A ) s o m i c r o s w i t c h ( B ) i s a c t u a t e d with spool pulled down to stop. A d j u s t l i n k a g e ( C ) s o m o v e m e n t o f l e v e r f r o m 1 - 2 a n d 3 - 4 moves spool from full down to full up. A d j u s t l i n k a g e ( D ) s o s p o o l m o v e s f r o m f u l l b a c k t o f u l l forward as lever is moved from 2-3.

BRAKE ADJUSTMENT SERVICE BRAKE Note: Prior to any brake adjustment the forward-reverse linkage must be adjusted as follows: 1. With the forward-reverse lever in neutral, adjust linkage rod “A” so that “B” to “B1” and “C” to “C1” are of equal length, with the forward-reverse valve spool in its neutral position (linkage rod “D” may have to be adjusted to reach alignment). With the forward-reverse lever in forward, depress brake pedal until all slop is taken up in the brake linkage. TIRE and RIM SERVICING SAFETY IMPORTANT For safety’s sake, always remove the valve core and exhaust all air from a single tire and from both tires of a dual assembly prior to removing any rim components, or any wheel components, such as nuts and rim clamps. Check the valve stem by running a piece of wire through the stem to make sure it Is not plugged GENERAL:!! Do not mount or demount tires without proper training. Follow all procedures and safety instructions.

Mixing parts of one type rim with those of another is potentially dangerous. Always check DOT chart or manufacturer for approval. Don’t reinflate a tire that has been run flat without first inspecting the tire, tube, flap, rim and wheel assembly.

Double check the side ring, flange, bead seat, lock ring and “O” ring for damage and make sure that they are secure in the gutter before inflation. TWO-PIECE RIMS Incorrect Correct FIGURE 7 FIGURE 9 The components in a correctly assembled and locked two-piece rim fit snugly. An incorrectly assembled two-piece rim could have a large gap in side ring.

Components are not firmly locked in place. DO NOT INFLATE TIRE AND RIM ASSEMBLY UNTIL COMPONENTS ARE PROPERLY SEATED AND LOCKED. Replace Worn, Rusted & Corroded Rim Parts Replace Distorted Rims & Components Badly worn, rusted and corroded rims and components are dangerous and should be replaced with new parts.

Distorted rims and components will not properly lock together. They should be replaced.

Such hazards prevent proper fit of components, and can This hazard, besides making the tire/rim assembly unsafe through improper fit, may cause difficult tire mounting. Cause difficult tire mounting. MISMATCHED RIM PARTS ARE DANGEROUS AND COULD CAUSE SEVERE INJURY Most highway rims look alike, but all vary somewhat in certain design features. It is these differences between rims of different types that makes “part-mixing” a hazardous business. A close, proper fit between rim parts is essential to long tire life as well as to operating safety. PARKING BRAKE FUNCTION The Parking Brake is spring loaded to apply the brake. Hydraulic pressure is used to release or hold “off” the brake.

DISSASSEMBLY PROCEDURE 1. L o o s e n 2 b o l t s ( 2 2 ) a l t e r n a t e l y. S e p a r a t e p o w e r p l a t e ( 1 8 ) a s s e m b l y f r o m t h e r e m a i n d e r o f t h e b r a k e. Remove O-ring (5).

Remove rotating disc (10) from splined shaft (7), remove springs (12) and stationary disc (11) from pins (8). FIGURE 19 19. POWER BRAKE MASTER CYLINDER REPAIR FIGURE 20 1.0 REMOVING BRAKE VALVE FROM VEHICLE AND SEPARATlNG CYLINDER RESERVOIR SECTION FROM POWER ASSIST SECTION. Refer to Figures 20 & 21. 1.1 Remove Brake Valve from vehicle by disconnecting necessary fluid lines, disconnecting push rod, and removing mounting bolts. Drain fluid from assembly. 1.2 Separate Cylinder Reservoir Section Power Assist Section by removing cap screws and three lock-washers.

CYLINDER RESERVOIR SECTION 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 D I S A S S E M B LY O F C Y L I N D E R R E S E RV O I R S E C T I O N. R e f e r t o F i g u r e s 1 & 3. Drain fluid from unit before disassembling. Remove retainer ring (item 1) from housing (item 14). CAUTION: Retainer ring is under tension of spring (item 11). Remove assembly (item 17) from cylinder bore. Remove cup (item 9), retainer (item 10), spring (item 11), check valve (item 12), and seat (item 13) from housing.

POWER ASSIST SECTION 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4. 13 DISASSEMBLY OF POWER ASSIST SECTION.

Refer to Figures 20 & 23. Drain fluid from unit before disassembling.

Remove push rod (item 18) and boot (item 19) from Power Assist Section. Remove retaining ring (item 20). CAUTION: Retaining ring is under tension of spring (item 33).

Remove internal parts assembly (item 45) from housing. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5. 16 6.0 6.1 6. 2 AS S E M B LY O F P O W E R A S S I S T S E C T I O N.

U s e o n l y h y d r a u l i c o i l i n P o w e r A s s i s t S e c t i o n. U s e R e p a i r K i t N o. 0 2 - 4 0 0 - 0 5 9. R e f e r t o F i g u r e s 20 & 23.

Clean all parts thoroughly before assembling. In s t a l l v a l v e s t e m ( i t e m 4 1 ) a n d s p r i n g ( i t e m 4 2 ) i n h o u s i n g. PLANETARY HUBS ASSEMBLY PROCEDURE FOR MAJOR ASSEMBLY 1. Start with hub-spindle sub-assembly (1) with large open end up. Assemble internal gear (2) onto the spindle of hub-spindle sub-assembly (1). Place thrust washer (15) onto the spindle pilot of hub-spindle sub-assembly (1). Place thrust bearing (16) onto spindle pilot of hub-spindle sub-assembly (1).

Place thrust washer (15) onto spindle pilot of hub-spindle sub-assembly (1). Secure cover sub-assembly (6) and ring gear (4) in place with bolts.

Use four shoulder bolts (18) for counterbored holes in hub of hub-spindle sub-assembly (1) and use bolts (17) for remaining holes. Tighten bolts to 47 ft. Place coupling (19) into spindle of hub-spindle sub-assembly (1) and meshing with input shaft (11). On W3C be sure retaining ring (20) is in internal groove of coupling (19) and retaining ring (21) is located in external groove of coupling (19). Pl a c e t h r u s t w a s h e r s ( 3 B ) i n s i d e c a r r i e r ( 3 A ) w i t h g r e a s e d s i d e a g a i n s t c a r r i e r (3A) and the tang should be in cut away section of carrier (3A). Thrust washers (3B) are flat against the surface on both sides of carrier (3A). Apply petroleum jelly or grease to bore of one cluster gear (3F).

Place two sets of needle roller bearings (3C) into cluster gear (3F) bore with spacer (3D) between them. (See Figure). 27 FIGURE 24 CARRIER SUBASSEMBLY FRONT: 24 TO 1 REAR: 35 TO 1. HYDRAULIC PRESSURE CHECKS NOTE: Do not attempt to adjust the hydraulic pressure settings on this machine. A change from the factory settings indicates a defective component. If an incorrect pressure is indicated, contact LOED Service Department for proper corrective action.

MAIN DRIVE 1. Connect a 5000 psi gauge to test point 1 Apply parking brake. HYDRAULIC CYLINDERS N O T E: R e p l a c e a l l s e a l s w h e n e v e r a c y l i n d e r i s d i s s a s s e m b l e d f o r r e p a i r. DISSASSEMBLY 1.

Remove cylinder from machine. Use a spanner wrench and mallet to unscrew the rod bearing from the cylinder barrel. Do not use a pipe wrench to remove the bearing. The aluminum rod bearing may not unscrew if the cylinder is warm.

Carefully pull the rod assembly straight out of the barrel. FIGURE 26 1. WIPER RING 2. PISTON SEAL 10. ROD BEARING 4. BACKUP RING 5. CYLINDER BARREL 12.

CYLINDER ROD 14. SECTION V EMERGENCY PLUNGER AND HOUSING REPAIR To manufacture a high quality control valve having a minimum amount of leakage, each plunger is honed to fit its respective bore. It is, therefore, recommended that the valve returned to the factory to repair or replacement. Should a situation require rebuilding the valve, we recommend the following procedures: Remove valve from the equipment and thoroughly clean all external surfaces. Disassemble valve, tagging plungers to assure reassembly to the same bore. HUSCO MODEL “5000” SECTIONAL VALVE SERVICE INFORMATION The design and construction of the HUSCO Model 5000 Sectional Valve allows for easy service or replacement of the various sections, seals and components. All parts are available for replacement with the exception of furnishing separately either the plunger housing or the plunger.

They are selectively fit and are available as a complete unit. Should either require repair, it will be necessary to return the complete plunger section. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES LOAD CHECK VALVES C.

LOAD CHECK VALVES FIGURE 28 Load Check Valve Load check valves used on HUSCO control valves normally do not require servicing; malfunction is usually the result of foreign matter lodging between the seat and poppet. DISASSEMBLY Remove valve plug, poppet spring and poppet. INSPECTION AND REPAIR Clean parts with solvent and blow dry with compressed air. Examine poppet and poppet seat for nicks or scratches. FIELD TESTING PROCEDURES FIGURE 29 Pilot Operated - Sleeve Type Main Relief Valve To set main relief valve pressure, install a pressure gauge in the inlet line and set pressure as follows Remove acorn nut and loosen jam nut. Back off pilot adjustment screw and reset so that pilot adjustment screw just seats against pilot poppet.

Run engine at normal operating speed. Operate one plunger of the control valve at the extreme position until a pressure reading is observed. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES - RELIEF VALVES FIGURE 31. Service Port Relief Cartridge DISASSEMBLY The cartridge type service port reliefs used in the Husco valves are of the pilot poppet type with external adjustment.

Any malfunctioning is usually the result of foreign matter lodging between the piston, relief valve poppet, and check valve. To s e r v i c e, c l e a n t h e s u r r o u n d i n g a r e a a n d r e m o v e t h e c o m p l e t e r e l i e f v a l v e c a r t r i d g e. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES - PLUNGERS FIGURE 33 Double Acting - Spring Centered Plunger (Hydraulically Balanced) SEAL REPLACEMENT A one piece molded combination wiper and seal is used at each end of the plunger.

The seals are positioned with a seal ring and retained by seal plates. To replace seal at tang end of plunger, remove screws and seal plate from housing. Carefully remove seal and seal ring from housing. Seal groove must be smooth and completely free of dirt, pits, and metal particles. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES - RELIEF VALVES FIGURE 34 Relief Valve - Pilot Operated (External Adjustment) The Cartridge relief valve shown it, Figure -1 is of the differential area type.

When fluid enters the relief valve through the hole in the piston, an unbalanced condition in this area keeps main poppet and piston tightly sealed. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES - RELIEF VALVES A combination cylinder relief valve and anti-void unit is illustrated in Figure 5 8.

The service port relief valve is designed to control the maximum pressure obtained in the circuit. By discharging oil to the low pressure return passage, the service port relief valve provides maximum structural protection of circuit components. It will function whether the plunger is in the neutral or operate position. INTRODUCTION The following information relates to the main and auxiliary hydraulic control valves used on the LOED H a n d l e r.

GENERAL INFORMATION Disassembly and repair procedures are included in this Manual for the different types of relief valves, plunger styles, check valves, and special devices incorporated in the HUSCO control valves. All parts are available for replacement except the valve housing and plungers. SECTION II TROUBLE SHOOTING FIGURE 40 41. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES - FORWARD - REVERSE VALVE (Disassembly) FIGURE 41 Step 1: Remove socket head cup screws (No.

1), spacers (No. 2), and plunger cap (No. Step 2: Insert rod through all holes in tang end of plungers (No. 4) This will prevent the plunger from turning. Step 3: Use cap (No. From a special spanner wrench to remove the special screw (No. 5) that holds the plunger spring 6) to spring seats (No.

Loed 534 Service Manual

7) and seal plate 8). Remove these parts slowly to prevent them being lost. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE - FORWARD - REVERSE VALVE (Reassembly) FIGURE 42 Step 1: Clean all parts in solvent and blow dry with compressed air. Inspect all parts and if any are found to be worn or deformed replace them with new ones. Step 2: Clamp tang end of plunger (No.

4) in a vise. To clean the pilot hole (No. 27) that runs down through the inside of the plunger to the cross hole (No.

28), use a rod or a drill with an O.D. Approximately the same size as the hole. TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE FOR GEAR TYPE HYDRAULIC PUMPS FIGURE 43 44. HYDRAULIC PUMP Disassembly 1. Clean outside of pump thoroughly. Mark the Pump sections on the side nearest to the drive shaft extension so that they can be reassembled back to the original relationship. (Figure 44) 4.

Remove nuts (23) and washers from studs. Remove pump from vise and set pump on bench with shaft end up. Coat the shaft extension with clean grease.

This will help to keep from damaging the rubber sealing surface of shaft seal when seal is removed. Using vise grip pliers, remove stud bolts (22) from pump. (Figure 47) 10. Grasp the drive shaft extension and lift upward to dislodge the pressure plate. Grasp the pressure plate between thumb and forefinger and lift straight up off the shafts.

(Figure 49) FIGURE 49 FIGURE 47 8. When disassembling the tandem pump, all parts removed with bodies (1 and 2) should be laid out in separate groups.

Remove ring retainer (13), o-ring (12), back-up ring (14), and isolation plate (10). (Figure 48) 11. It will be necessary to remove any burrs from the gear “track-in” in the body (1) before attempting to remove pressure plate (9). After burrs have been removed, the plate can be lifted out. Using thumb and forefinger, lift the pressure plate straight out of the body.

Use extreme care in removing this plate as it will bind in the bores of the body if not kept straight during removal (Figure 51). FIGURE 51 13. Remove ring retainer (13), o-ring (12), back-up ring (14), and isolation plate (10). Assembly 20. If Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4 are replaced, examine the new parts and remove any nicks or burrs. Flash in clean solvent. Make sure that an identifying mark is put on each new part and on the same side as it was on the old part.

Refer to Step 2. This should be done before any parts are assembled.

Place the body (2) with its solid flat end down and the mark mace in Step 2 facing you. Coat the inside of the body and bearings with clean hydraulic oil. This will insure easier assembly. Install the drive gear and idler gear. The drive gear should be in the bore nearest the identifying mark made in Step 2, with the splined end up. (Figure 56) 30. FIGURE 58 FIGURE 56 31.

Install body dowels (20), one near the drive gear and the other near the idler gear. For proper timing of the gears 6 and 8 with gears 5 and 7, see sketch. Install pressure plate (9), bronze side down against the gear faces and with the trap slots facing the discharge side of the body. FIGURE 60 FRONT DRIVE GEAR TO BE TIMED WITH REAR DRIVE GEAR BY LINING UP A TOOTH ON REAR DRIVE WITH VALLEY OF TWO TEETH ON FRONT DRIVE TIMING SKETCH 50. 33. Install the spline coupling (16) and O-ring (25).

(Figure 61) Install and tighten stud bolts. (Figure 63) FIGURE 61 FIGURE 63 39. Install dowels (20). Install body (1) with identifying mark made in Step 2 facing you, and with gear bore up.

To assemble this pumping section, repeat Steps 23 through 31, using gears 7 and 5. Install dowels (20) in body (1). Install o-ring (24) in the flange plate.

Use heavy grease to hold the o-ring in the groove while the plate slides down over the shafts. Refer to Step 32 and use the same precautions in the final assembly of the flange plate. (Figure 65) 44. Correct the cause of interference and reassemble the pump. When the shaft turns properly, lubricate the stud threads with SAE 10 oil and torque all of the nuts 80 to 90 lbs/ft.

(Figure 67) FIGURE 65 42. Install washers (26) and nuts (23). Seal Replacement 1. Stand pump on end and loosen all fasteners holding flange to body.

Remove flange. Lay the flange on a smooth clean surface and remove snap ring. The rubber lip of the seal should point toward the rear of the pump so that the garter spring is inside. 70) FIGURE 70 FIGURE 68 3. Lay flange on open jaws of vise (pilot down), using punch and mallet tap old seal out of the bore.

Caution must be taken not to scar the seal bore in the flange. By tightening the vise firmly, but gently, press the seal into the bore.

Stop the pressure when the seal touches the shoulder inside the bore. Replace snap ring, making sure that it snaps into the groove properly. Wash the flange thoroughly in solvent. Coat the lips of the seal with heavy grease. Bearing Replacement Inspection of Parts Mobil-Master Series 20 and 25 pumps are built with the highest capacity bearings available. REAR DRIVE MOTOR FIGURE 72 55. PARTS IDENTIFICATION FIGURE 73 56.

D I S A S S E M B LY 1. Clean the outside of the motor thoroughly. Mark the motor sections on the drive shaft extension side so that they can be reassembled exactly in the same order as they were originally. 74) FIGURE 75 4. Remove nuts (21) and washers (22) from the flange. 76) FIGURE 74 3. Securely fasten the motor in a machinist’s vise, shaft up.

Use a cream block of wood between each flat side of the motor and the vise jaws. Keeping the flange (1) as straight as possible, lift it off the shaft and stud bolts. If the flange is stuck, use a wooden mallet or plastic hammer and tap around the edge to loosen it. 77) Use a stud driver or vise-grip pliers and remove studs (42).

79) FIGURE 79 FIGURE 77 9. Remove o-ring (33) from the flange. Remove isolation plates (10), sealing strips (17), end seperators (15), center separators (16), back-up ring (14), and o-ring (35).

Lift drive gear (5) and idler gear (7) straight up out of the motor body. Remove isolation plate (11), sealing strip (17), end separators (15) center separator (16), back-up ring (14), and o-ring (35). (No isolation plates nor separators in SPM25.) 13. Remove the body (2) by lightly tapping the sides with a wooden mallet or plastic hammer, while lifting it with the other hand. Remove o-ring (34). 83) FIGURE 81 11. To disassemble the rear section, it will be necessary to reverse its position in the vise (rear end up).

Remove the valve body by tapping lightly on the plugs (39) with a soft hammer. (Fig 87) FIGURE 87 FIGURE 85 16. Remove nut (21) and washer (22). Remove o-ring (34). Remove cover plate (23), o-ring (20) (some SPM20 only), and stud bolts (43) 21. To disassemble the rear motor sections, repeat Steps 7 through 12, as applicable.

To disassemble the valve from the valve body, remove plug (39) and o-ring (40). Items (28) and (30) are not serviceable separate from valve body (3). Wash all of the motor parts thoroughly with clean solvent and blow them dry with compressed air.

This action should remove any foreign matter trapped in the motor. Inspect the parts carefully. For detailed instructions, see ‘’Inspection of Parts’’ section. FIGURE 89 23. Remove spring (32) and piston (27). REASSEMBLY 27. Take cover plate (23) and place it on a clean flat surface with the o-ring groove facing up.

Install o-ring (20). (SPM20 only) 28.

Place the motor body (4) on the cover plate (SPM20) with the gear bore facing up. Make sure that the mark made in, Step 2 is facing you. (If a new body is used, it does not matter which way the body faces.) (Fig. 91) FIGURE 92 30. Install center separator (16), end separator (15) and sealing strip (17).

(No separators in SPM25) (Fig. 93) FIGURE 91 29. Examine the isolation plates. You will note that they are slightly different. Choose the two having rounded edges as shown. Install these two (11) in the bottom of the motor body with the rounded edges down and in their proper location.

(No isolation plates in SPM25.) (Fig. 94) FIGURE 95 34. Coat the idler gear (8) journals with clean hydraulic oil and install it in the opposite bore. 96) FIGURE 94 32. Install pressure plate (9) (13, in SPM25) with the bronze side up. FRONT DRIVE TO BE TIMED WITH REAR DRIVE BY LINING UP A TOOTH ON REAR DRIVE WITH VALLEY OF TWO TEETH ON FRONT DRIVE FIGURE 97 SKETCH ‘A’ 64.

37. Install center separator (16), end separators (15), sealing strip (17), and isolation plates (10). (No separators nor isolation plates in SPM25.) (Fig. Pick up valve body (3).

Turn it so that the side which has the bearings extended will face up. Apply enough clean, heavy grease in the o-ring groove to hold the o-ring in place after the plate has been turned over. Install o-ring (34).

Install an o-ring (35) down on each protruding end of the bearings. 100) FIGURE 98 FIGURE 100 38. Position the assembly with the valve body up and install o-ring (34) and spline coupling (31). Make sure the gears are not turned from the timing position until after the other set of gears has been assembled. 103) FIGURE 101 FIGURE 103 41.

Lay the partially assembled unit on its side and install studs (43), washers (22) and nuts (21). You can wait until the motor is completely assembled before applying final torque to these studs. Install stud (42). See applicable seal Replacement Instructions.

Install o-rings (35) on bearing extensions of flange plate (1). Install o-ring (33) in the flange plate groove. Use clean heavy grease to hold the oring in the groove.

(Use caution while the seal is being moved down the shaft. If the shaft extension is splined, heavy grease applied to the splines will help prevent damage to the seal. INSPECTION OF MOTOR PARTS In stall a piston (27) and spring (32) in each piston bore. Visually inspect all parts. There will be a gear track on the inside of the motor body.

Measure the depth of this gear track. The nominal depth of this cut is.008' (0,203 MM) and should not exceed.015' (0,381 MM).

If the track is less than.015', the body is acceptable for assembly providing it is not cracked or otherwise damaged. Examine the pressure plates. SEAL REPLACEMENT INSTRUCTIONS SPM20 1. Stand the motor on end, shaft up. Use a brush and solvent and wash the flange end thoroughly.

Dry it with compressed air or by thorough wiping with a clean, dry rag. This action will help to prevent foreign material from entering the motor.

Loosen and remove nuts and washers holding the flange plate onto the motor body. Lift the flange up and off the shaft. Remove the o-ring from its groove.

FIGURE 109 5. Install the snap ring, making sure it snaps into the groove properly. 112) FIGURE 110 FIGURE 112 7. Position the new seal over the bore with the rubber lip entering first. Center a press ring (or a socket wrench of appropriate size) against the metal back of the seal and close the vise against it. Carefully tighten the vise and press the seal into bore until it seats against the shoulder in the bore. SEAL REPLACEMENT INSTRUCTIONS SPM25 1.

Stand the motor on end, shaft up. Use a brush and solvent and wash the entire flange end of the motor thoroughly. Blow it dry with compressed air. This procedure is necessary in order to remove foreign material which might get into the motor during seal replacement.

Remove the seal plate capscrews and lift the plate up and off the shaft. Remove the plate o-ring from its groove. 113) FIGURE 113 4. Press the old seal out of the plate. Place the seal plate between the open jaws of a machinist’s vise with the cast surface against the stationany jaw. 115) Place a smooth, clean block of wood against the rubber face of the seal.

Carefully tighten the vise and press the seal into the bore. The seal will seat with about half of its thickness dimension still protruding from the bore. This protrusion serves as a pilot while reinstalling the plate on the flange.

117) FIGURE 115 FIGURE 117 8. FIGURE 118 12. Place the assembled seal plate over the shaft and carefully slide it down into position on the flange. Install and tighten the seal plate capscrews. FRONT DRIVE MOTOR FIGURE 119 74 (before s/n 237).

FIGURE 120 75. DISASSEMBLY 1. Clean the oughly.

P l a c e t h e p u m p i n a m a c h i n i s t ’s v i c e s e c u r e l y, s h a f t u p, u s i n g a c l e a n b l o c k of wood between the flats on either side and the jaws of the vice. This keeps from marring the machined surface-of the pump and causing leakage at the port connectors. Outside of the pump thor- 3. Remove all capscrews from the flange.

Coat the shaft extension with clean grease. REASSEMBLY 10. Remove the remaining O-ring, backup ring, retainer ring, and isolation plates. FIGURE 128 15. Examine the two isolation plates. Will find that they are slightly ferent. Choose the one which rounded edges as shown.

Install Yo u difhas this FIGURE 126 11. Wa s h a l l p o r t s t h o r o u g h l y w i t h c l e a n s o l v e n t a n d b l o w d r y.

T h i s s h o u l d r e move any foreign matter trapped in the pump. I n s p e c t t h e p a r t s c a r e f u l l y. REASSEMBLY 18. I n f a l l t h e O - r i n g i n p l a c e a g a i n s t t h e back-up ring so that it seats itself into the groove in the edge of the backup ring. EXAMPLE Model No. 25660A-D Denotes Counter clockwise Rotation Model No. 25660C-D Denotes Clockwise Rotation 21.

I f t h e p u m p i s o f c l o c k w i s e r o t a t i o n, the drive shaft is placed into the bore nearest you. If the pump is of anticlockwise rotation, the drive shaft goes into the bore away from you. FIGURE 131 19. REASSEMBLY previous leakage has been evidence, replace. (See SEAL REPLACEMENT for detailed instructions.) FIGURE 135 24. Pick up the other pressure plate.

Holding the bronze side down, and the rounded trap slot facing the discharge side of the pump, install it into position over the gears. FIGURE 137 31. Gently wipe the machine surface of the flange with emery cloth. Wash in s o l v e n t a n d b l o w d r y.

Install the body O-ring into the groove in the flange. REASSEMBLY FIGURE 139 35. Insert two of the capscrews with washers installed into opposite holes and torque to 175 lbs.

Using a 10' wrench, check to see if the drive shaft will turn. Shaft will be tight but should turn freely with a maximum of 5 to 10 lbs. If shaft will not turn as stated, disassemble the pump and examine for burrs or foreign material causing buildup or interference in the parts. Remove the cause and reassemble as before.

SEAL REPLACEMENT 1. Stand the pump on end, shaft up.

Using a brush and solvent, wash the entire flange end of the pump ONLY, and blow dry. This is to remove any foreign material which might get into the pump during replacement of the seal. Wa s h t h e s e a l r e t a i n e r i n s o l v e n t a n d b l o w d r y. Place the cast surface of the retainer against the stationary jaw of a machini s t ’s v i s e. SEAL REPLACEMENT FIGURE 144 10.

Replace the O-ring wing, heavy grease to hold it securely in the O-ring groove. Coat the grease to 12. Replace the retainer assembly fully sliding over the shaft. Replace shaft protect the liberally the lips capscrews FIGURE 145 82 with heavy of the seal. And by care- tighten.

BEARING REPLACEMENT-INSPECTION OF PARTS INSPECTION OF PARTS BEARING REPLACEMENT MOBIL-MASTER SERIES 20 & 25 1. Visually inspect all parte. There will be a gear track on the inside of the pump body. Measure the depth of this gear track. If the groove is deeper than.005 (five thousandths) of an inch, the body should be rejected for further use.

If the track is less than.005, the body is all right for reassembly provided it is not cracked or damaged otherwise. BOLT TORQUE CHART FIGURE 146 Grade 5-3 radial dashes 120 degrees apart. Grade 8-6 radial dashes 60 degrees apart. FIGURE 147 Bolts found to installed using (red-high strength). HYDRAULIC FITTING TORQUE CHART 1.

Wipe fittings. Apply LOCTITE Hydraulic Sealant to the first flange or seas) of the fitting threads. Seat flange hand tight, then torque to specification.

Loed 534 Service Manual Pdf


FIGURE 152. FIGURE 151 FIGURE 153 90. FIGURE 154 91.