Unit 4 Biomed Study Guide

Unit 4 Biomed Study Guide

Principles of Biomedical Sciences Review Unit 1: The Mystery Steps for Processing a Crime Scene Interview Examine Photograph Sketch Collect Evidence Note: The crime scene should already be protected and secured to prevent contamination or tampering. Personal Protective Equipment Definition “specialized clothing or equipment worn by an employee for protection against infectious materials” (OSHA) Personal protective equipment, or PPE, as defined by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or OSHA, is “specialized clothing or equipment, worn by an employee for protection against infectious materials.” PPE Use in Healthcare Settings Steps of Experimental Design Identify the problem. Formulate a hypothesis. Design the procedure to be used to test the hypothesis. Carry out the experimental procedure.

Analyze the data and observations. Draw conclusions. DNA Structure Double helix Building block: nucleotide Backbone: sugar/phosphate Steps: bases held together by hydrogen bonds Base pairing rules: A/T and C/G Sugar=deoxyribose Purines: adenine and guanine Pyrimidines: thymine and cytosine DNA Structure Nucleotide Phosphate group Sugar-deoxyribose Nitrogen base: Adenine Guanine Cytosine Thymine How does such a large molecule fit into the nucleus? Size of DNA How does such a large molecule fit into the nucleus? Chromosomes are found in the nucleus of a cell. Chromosomes are made up of DNA.

DNA is made up of millions of genes. Genes code for proteins that cause our traits.

PLTW Principles of Biomedical Sciences (Section 1) Location: Room 321 Term:. Spring 2014 Teacher:. Welcome to Principles of Biomedical Sciences (PBS)!

During the next year we will explore forensics, human body systems, medicine, genetics, disease, and many other biomedical topics. Developed by Project Lead The Way (PLTW), the PBS curriculum will allow you to solve problems, work in groups, and experience facets of the biomedical field first-hand. The course will be challenging, but incredibly rewarding. You will be a reflective and respectful scientist that will discover the world you live in.

You will conduct experiments, interpret data, and share your findings with group members and community members at large. You may find that you will have to revise your way of thinking and I expect that you will have to do so. Science is ever changing, so you must be ready to see where your observations and your new knowledge take you.

As you come to learn and understand more science in this course you will be able to answer many of your own questions and questions posed to scientists. The goal of PBS is to prepare you for higher education opportunities and careers within the biomedical sciences field and any career opportunities you choose to pursue. YOU NEED TO CHECK GRADEBOOK REGARDING MISSING ASSIGNMENTS!


ASSIGNMENTS Due Monday:Do Now/Exit Slip Reflection Extra Credit Study for EoC Exam! EoC Tues May 27th, Wed May 28th Make sure you go to the King Room on Tuesday with ID/phone! 2016 kia sportage service repair manual download. No class on Monday, so study! Extra credit: For up to 7 points extra credit (3% pts) -also to help you study- create a book for the PBS showing the important information from each unit (similar to the packet I made for our review 8 pages + ½ for Unit 5). One extra credit point per unit, 1 point for how ‘good’ it is.

Due Monday: 1 pt EC Parent Signature, Do Now/Exit Slip Reflection Due Wednesday May 7th: 5.1.6: Lines of Defense book/board game and 6.1.1 organ system presentation Due Tuesday May 6th: 6.1.1, conduct research on organ system Due Monday May 5th: Do Now/Exit Slip Reflection, Study for Quiz on 5.1 Due Thursday: 5.1.3: Isolating Bacteria Conclusion #1 and #2. Due Tuesday: Draft of 5.1.6: Lines of Defense #5-9: you say what the skin is in your game/children’s book, etc. Due Monday: Do Now / Exit Slip Reflection and 5.1.6: Lines of Defense Conclusion Qs 1 and 2 Due Friday: Finish Immunity Packet, Study notes, Practice microscope technique (3 min) Due Thursday: Immunity Packet, Model 1 Due Wednesday:5.1.6: Lines of Defense research terms in #5 of procedure and write the description. Due Tuesday: 5.1.4: Gram Staining Conclusion Questions and 5.1.5: Bacterial Identification Conclusion Questions Due Monday: 5.1.4: Gram Staining Conclusion Q #2, Do Now/Exit Slip Reflection Due Tuesday: 5.1.2: Infectious Disease Agents Conclusion Questions Due Monday: Do Now / Exit Slip Reflection Due Friday: 5.1.1: Contagious Conclusion Questions Due Wednesday: Typed Action plan with rubric attached. Due Monday: Do Now / Exit Slip Reflection Due Friday: Study for Unit 4 Test.

Unit 4 Study Guide Biology

Due Thursday: Unit 4 EC Review Guide, study for test. Due Wednesday: 4.4.2: Heart Intervention, Draft of Action Plan (see rubric and #17) written on carbon paper Due Tuesday: 4.4.2: Heart Intervention Conclusion Questions Due Monday: Do Now / Exit Slip Reflection Due Friday: 4.1.2: Autopsy Report Description of Coronary Artery Disease and Possible Causes of Death.

Unit 4 biomed study guide

Due Tuesday: Research angiograms, angioplasty, stents and CABG surgery—write notes in notebook! 4.4.1: Unblocking the Vessels Conclusion Questions (1, 2, 4) Due Monday: Do Now / Exit Slip Reflection. 4.3.3: The Heart as a Pump Conclusion Questions Due Thursday: 4.3.2: Hypercholesterolemia, Procedure #24 (Pedigree of Anna's family for familial hypercholesterolemia-make it pretty and neat) Due Tuesday: 4.3.2: Hypercholesterolemia, Procedure #2, Conclusion Questions # 1, 3, 4, 5 Due Monday: Do Now / Exit Slip Reflection and finish making your brochure/poster/etc. Due Friday: Finish research for 4.3.1: What is Cholesterol Procedure Step #3 Due Thursday: Study for the quiz!

Due Wednesday: 4.2.3: EKG #24 and 25 on carbon paper and #27 (4.2.1 Medical History) and #29 (4.1.2: Autopsy Report) Due Tuesday: 4.2.3: EKG Conclusion Questions #1-3, Quiz Thursday! Due Monday: Typed hard copy scientific lab report of lab, Do Now Exit Slip Reflection, and carbon sheets of the lab.

Due Thursday: Data, Data Analysis, Conclusion for lab in carbon notebook. Due Wednesday: Purpose, Hypothesis, Variables and Constants and Procedure for Lab Due Tuesday: '4.2.2: Blood Pressure Conclusion Questions 1,2, and 4' Due Monday: Blood Pressure Case Study and Do Now / Exit Slip Reflection Due Friday: 4.2.1: Heart Rate Conclusion Questions Due Thursday: Tomorrow you will turn in your completed lab, so you must finish the Data, Data Analysis, and Conclusion for HW. Make sure you use the conclusion prompt you were given to complete the conclusion. Due Wednesday: By the time you come to class on Wednesday you need to have finished the Purpose, Variables & Constants, Hypothesis, and Procedure sections. Due Monday: Do Now/Exit Slip Reflection and on looseleaf paper, in your own words define pulse and summarize the steps necessary to take a person’s pulse.

Then describe if a pulse measurement is taken in an artery or vein and explain why. Due Friday: 4.1.2: Anatomy of Heart, Conclusion Questions (this will help you study for your quiz) and Study for your quiz! Due Thursday: Study for quiz on Friday.

Due Wednesday: No homework, unless absent on Friday and then you need to complete the Sheep Heart Dissection WS Due Tuesday: No homework, unless absent on Friday and then you need to complete the Sheep Heart Dissection WS Due Monday: Do Now and Exit Slip Reflection and Sheep Heart Dissection WS. Due Friday: 4.1.1: Conclusion Questions Due Tuesday: Study for your test on tomorrow. Due Monday: Study for your test on Tuesday. Due Friday: Study for your test on Tuesday. Due Thursday: Study for group quiz. Due Wednesday: Make a pedigree of your family. Be sure to pick a phenotype to follow.

Unit 4 Study Guide Chemistry

Due Tuesday: 3.4.2: What is Probability? Conclusion Questions 1-3.Due Monday: 3.4.1: Family Inheritance Worksheet, Create a pedigree for Genetic Analysis section of the Activity 3.1.2 Medical History Sheet, Do Now / Exit Slip Reflection.Due Friday: 3.3.1: Conclusion Questions #1-5.Due Thursday: 3.3.1, Procedure Step #3 Files for download:. (5.86 MB). (1.07 MB). (28.61 MB).

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Biomedical Unit 4 Study Guide


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