The In Famous Beginners Guide To Daggerfall

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Contents. The following hints can help you start off on the right foot. You might also want to check out the page, which contains hints closer to cheating. General Gameplay Tips SAVE OFTEN: the most important tip.

Save before and after quests, before entering dungeons, frequently while in dungeons, and after something 'big', like a level raise, big bank deposit, etc. It's also a good idea to have a good structure to saving games: keep one slot for the regular save, like every 15-20 minutes in a dungeon; The other slots are for 'backup' positions, a time when you have no quests and are outside, and are saved just every once in a while.

It's also a good idea to backup save games in case something really bad happens. The following is a list of good times to save your game. Before and after receiving a. Before and after deciding to clear a new dungeon. Before and after. Before and after traveling. After leveling.

After obtaining an item of Daedric quality. After attaining the quest objective. After any. Arriving at a new location Traveling: travel cautiously most of the time, resting in inns, as this will allow you to be fully rested before arriving at a dungeon and lets you practice before leaving. Being a member of a allows you to stay in inns for free. When time is of the essence, traveling recklessly gets you there much faster, although you might have to climb over city walls at night.

Recall: take advantage of the spell. Casting a Recall anchor just inside the dungeon entrance will allow for a quick exit if you find the quest item, or if you simply need to load up your wagon. Don't forget to recast the anchor if you plan to explore the dungeon some more. Exploring dungeons: this can be a hairy experience in Daggerfall, especially if dungeon crawling is not your forte. Remember that these are just suggestions, you do not have to follow them to the letter in order to be successful (or have fun). Follow the right hand wall method.

Begin exploring the dungeon by following the right hand wall. This method can help you explore a great deal of the dungeon. Make note of teleporters, shafts, underwater areas, and other hazards but leave them until later.

Explore doors on either side of hallways, entering any rooms beyond them, but try to stick to right hand passages. Following the right hand wall method will still leave many areas unexplored. After exploring as much you can with this method, switch and follow the left hand wall.

Check your map often now, so that you will notice unexplored areas and secret doors. There may still be some shafts, water, and teleporters left unexplored. Do these next, following similar rules as above. If you still haven't found what you're looking for, start again at step 1, but check the map often for unexplored passages and secret doors. Dungeon crawling can be tiring.

If you are frustrated after several hours of exploring, take a break. Horse and Wagon: you should purchase one as soon as possible. A wagon is a great, if not essential, asset to have (wagons in the original release can carry 1000 kg.

Early patches reduced this to 500 kg, but later patches bumped it back up to 750 kg). Graveyard Tour: you can make easy money by doing a little grave robbing.

Graveyards always have a crypt, which will contain a dungeon with only 2 to 4 rooms. In most crypts you will only encounter two or three enemies, but you will normally find two to seven loot piles as well. So start in a city of your liking, travel to the nearest graveyard, plunder the crypt, leave it (it resets) and plunder it again if it contained enough loot piles. If not, travel to the next graveyard. You can continue this until you're fully encumbered. You can easily make around 10,000 gold in about 3 in-game days.

For starter characters, this is a really useful method. Distorted Towns Here's how to make wilderness terrain consistently affect the towns:.

Enter a town directly next to a regional border (includes sea borders). Run out of the town, directly across the border. Run until you have one travel map pixel between you and the border. Turn around and run back to the town. Saving Screenshots Regular Install Every once in a while, you might say to yourself, 'I wish I could save this screen of me killing a daedra lord at level 1'. To be able to save Daggerfall screenshots, simply follow these steps:. Create a directory named 'PICS' in your main Daggerfall directory.

To save a screenshot in the game, press the, or backslash key. Some say you can only have 10 screenshots saved in the directory at any one time, others say it is unlimited. It may depend on the what version you have installed.

With patch v1.0.179, you can have more than 10 screenshots saved at once. Although if you quit the game and restart, it appears these image files will be rewritten.

There are only certain parts of the game where this will work, mainly the main game display. Unfortunately, this method doesn't seem to work yet in the character screen. In order to save a screenshot just about anywhere, do the following:. On your keyboard, press the Windows button between the CTRL and ALT buttons. This should bring you to the desktop. Click anywhere on the screen to turn off the pop-up menu. Right-click on the Daggerfall program box on the task bar.

Select 'Properties' then the 'Screen' tab. 'Full Screen' is turned on; select 'Window' instead and click 'OK.' . Left-click the Daggerfall program box on the task bar and there is your game!. While the game is actually playable to a certain extent at this point, the goal is to grab a screen shot.

Expand the game window to full size (to get rid of the scroll bars) and press ALT+Print Screen, which places the active Daggerfall window into the copy buffer. Run your favorite paint program and paste the screen shot. Running DOSBox If you are running Daggerfall from DOSBox, simply press CTRL+F5. This will save an image of the current screen into the 'PICS' folder (it will create the folder if needed).

Open the file in your favorite image manipulation program to edit it. Weightless Equipment Note: this only works for items you can equip (armor, weapons, rings, bracelets, etc.).

First, you need a wagon, and a store where you can sell your stuff. Next, put any equipment that you are going to equip into your wagon. Talk to the merchant, and click on 'sell'. Click on the wagon tab to bring it up, and then leave. Enter your inventory, and the wagon tab should be active in the left-most column.

Equip anything you want for 0 encumbrance! But remember, if you unequip anything, it will go straight back into your wagon. If you're in a dungeon, this might not be a good thing. Instead, use 'remove' and then pick it up into your main inventory. Stat Decreases Problem: 'I had my drop from 62 to 34. I have no diseases, no 'spell Icons' are on my character sheet and if I look at my Wisdom score in an editor, it shows 62 still.' Answer: 'I had the same thing happen to me with my.

I figured it out: I was using a Personality ring and saved the game while wearing it. When I loaded, my Personality was equal to my original unmodified value. When I took off the ring.poof! My personality dropped about 20 or 30 points. I had to re-load from the previous save game (luckily I had one).

You could always use the edit program to put it back.' Answer: 'Maybe you have been hit by spell? Try a 'Heal Wisdom' custom spell. This option in the seems to imply that there is a way to have a 'damaged' attribute!' Answer: 'Early versions of the game had a problem with the poison / disease part. If you were hit by a nightblade and you were poisoned, a cure poison spell didn't work and several attributes dived towards 0.

After 12-24 hours or so the 'poison' changed to witches pox, a deadly disease. Then a cure disease spell worked. It turns out that casting cure disease when you are poisoned in this case heals you. This is fixed in the v1.0.179 patch I believe.' Answer: 'This problem was addressed in The (In)Famous Beginner's Guide to Daggerfall by Mark Stinson, on page 47. It's not clear whether this effect was a bug or a 'feature'.

However, this problem does not seem too uncommon. Basically, an attribute may fail to return to normal after unequipping an attribute-boosting item that was worn for long periods. So consider removing such items before traveling or extended periods of sleep! Besides, this saves these items from wearing out too fast. The sudden drop in attribute may be up to half of the original value. But there are two methods of fixing this in-game. One is to get healed at a temple.

The other is to create and use a custom Heal Attribute Restoration spell that's specific for the damaged attribute. (However, I've been wearing these items for long periods in v1.07.213 and I have yet to be bothered with this problem.)' Information on Switches One switch I found yesterday is the torch switch that is on the wall. When you click with the 'grab' icon readied the switch will slide from left to right. My switch opened a secret wall (there was a corridor with a dead end to the left of it and when I pulled the switch the wall opened).

MOST of the time the switches will reveal something near it but not always. In the random dungeons a rule I use is always pull every lever and switch you find, as sometimes two switches pulled will open those floor doors you have seen. One human skull I have seen that hangs in mid air is a teleporter. Another skull with 'fangs' that come out the side is a lever that I was able to pull from top to bottom.

I think that most secret levers are on the wall. More Switch Hints Not all switches are obvious. Some are invisible and obscure. In the Privateer's Hold dungeon I found that by grabbing the podium in the middle of the room, a bookcase in the corner moved to reveal some hidden treasure piles. (See below.) Also, in one random dungeon I found a room with four pillars with flames. I went around grabbing each one and after grabbing the fourth one I was suddenly teleported to a secret room with treasures. And yet, in another random dungeon I tried the same thing, but nothing happened.

So sometimes being curious and thorough pays off. Hints on Thieving If you want to get rich fast, thieving would be the way to go. The easiest way to make some quick money is to create a custom 'Open' spell with the lowest possible chance (i.e., 1 + 1/1lvl). Use this spell to open any store after closing to gain entrance.

It seems that simply casting the open spell in front of a store door opens it without fail, no matter what chance the open spell has. Unfortunately, this doesn't work the same in dungeons or inside. The best stores to rob are good quality pawn and general stores (especially if you are a low level), or at higher levels armor and weapon smiths, as dwarven, mithril, etc. Weapons / armor get you a lot of cash (an ebony claymore I had sold for close to 50,000 gold). Book stores are useless to break into as you still have to attempt to steal the books once inside. Note that using this open spell method to get inside stores doesn't attract guards or affect your reputation.unless you try to open the 'private property' items inside the store.

Another interesting tip on thieving is that if you completely empty a shelf and select it again, it will have restocked. Also, don't steal more than one horse or cart as you cannot get rid of them and may crash the game. Another good tip: go to a shop and loiter in there until the store closes, which is usually around midnight. After the shop closes, approach the shelves and you'll be able to remove items without being charged for them.

Providing you haven't saved and reloaded your game or left and re-entered the store the shop keeper will still hang around inside and will happily buy back all of his stolen goods at market value. see tip below to make millions on stealing Daedric Weapons. I find that plundering the Rusty Ogre Lodge is so fast and easy that it makes all other thieving obsolete. But instead of an Open spell, being able to cast Recall is usually needed. To join the Thieves' Guild, you need to pick, or attempt to pick, at least 10 pockets. The easiest way to do this is to pick monster's pockets in dungeons, as you don't have to worry about the city guards who appear to know everything you do (picking monster's pockets in dungeons is also a great way to practice the skill!).

After picking 10 pockets, the guild will contact you. After joining the Thieves' Guild, the location of one in town, if there is one, will appear on your automap (it is simply a normal house). Don't try to pick the pockets of any monsters in town as this attract the guards. Similarly, to join the Dark Brotherhood you must kill enough innocents (worth 5) or city guards (worth 1) to reach a total of 15 points; i.e., 3 innocents or 15 guards or combination of both. Innocents are defined as any of those NPCs walking around town.

If you belong to the Thieves' Guild, engage the spymaster in regular conversation; he will still be all knowing and never clam up like he usually does! If you have low lock picking skills try to get a quest from the fighters guild where you have to rid a building of monsters. If that building is a shop you will be able to enter it after it closes!

Then feel free to steal away! Several Bugs to Avoid. The soul gem bug most definitely causes crashes. These are manifested upon scene changes (like entering cities, ships, buildings). I had to backtrack several days worth of playing because I made some 'super items' with this bug. Before I made the items, there were no problems.

After, I was lucky to go 5 minutes without a crash. The repair bug - this is triggered by any item enchanted with repair, causing error 2 upon entering a ship, or error 117 when an item repair event occurs (about every 2 minutes). It doesn't happen all the time, so there's probably some other factor involved. (Fixed in early patch).

The $spellname cheat seems stable, but the!spellname cheat no longer works. Be aware that editing the STR or END statistics seems to cause problems with stamina 'rolling over' when you sleep (goes to zero / negative). Neither $spellname nor!spellname works in v1.07.213. Falling through elevators can be avoided by continually jumping while on them. Don't access your inventory / character sheet while riding one as the platform is still moving, but you will remain stationary while in the other sheet, causing you to fall when you return to the game.

Not a problem in v1.07.213. Many have experienced the bug known as the 'void'. This occurs when you 'fall' through the floor or walls in a dungeon. You can move around in the void by casting levitate and can actually kill monsters with spells and arrows with impunity. To return, casting recall will get you back to your recall anchor (assuming you have one). Several people have used this to circumvent various 'puzzles' in main quest dungeons.

If you want to avoid this bug, there are several locations to be wary of. When scaling a steep slope, you may get stuck near the very top. Jump when you reach this point to avoid falling through the floor. It's also a good idea not to engage in melee with any enemy on such a slope. When dropping through a hole in the floor to a level below, let go of any directional movement keys so that you don't go through the wall.

Attempting to cast a previously prepared spell after loading a game will cause a crash. Always prepare a new spell after loading a saved game. Attempting to recast a previously deleted spell will cause the game to crash. Never hit the recast key after deleting a spell.

Upon entering a body of water in a dungeon, the swim up/down controls (same as float up/down) may fail to work at all if your character is carrying too much at the moment. This can make it impossible to exit certain bodies of water, as they require you to swim up to reach a ledge and climb out. If this happens, you can either drop some gold or equipment, cast a Levitate spell, or teleport to an already existing anchor point.

Furniture Stores Furniture stores will show up in the 'General' section of NPC dialogue. They are often inhabited by four to six and/or NPCs, one of which is usually, a high-ranking member of the Thieves Guild (has a gold frame around his portrait). The Crow will provide quests if the player is a member of the Thieves' Guild. Examples of furniture store names are Furniture Emporium, The Champion Carpentry, and The Duchess's Furniture Shop. Known towns where furniture stores are located include Ripwych and Tuntower in and Merdale in. The game code contains unimplemented furniture items (see ).

Starting Dungeon Spoilers Some people have a difficult time getting through small places (and getting hurled into that weird 'auto-map oughta-be' tans-dimensional universe at the slightest misstep). In the starter dungeon, in the room with the book-cases and the candle-encircled Imp, (here's the 'spoiler' if you can call it that) you can fiddle with something (i.e., 'click-on') the podium/music-stand/secret-switch to the book-case thing in front of the where the Imp is, and one of the book-cases swing open. It can be hard to slip through the gap unless you duck, slide and turn a little bit every time you start to 'rise up'(climbing mode). This helps to avoid what must be representative of little protrusions and possibly books on Argonian Poetry. So, if you can't fit through standing, the secret is to crawl.

(verified in v1.07.213) Easy Money and Experience Method Here is a really cool way to get treasure and experience. First, enter a city or town, wander about for two minutes and then choose to rest for awhile (24 hours). You will get attacked by mostly human foes, very rarely a real monster. The humans (assassins, thieves, spellswords, etc.) usually carry very valuable treasure like daedric weapons and a good deal of gold.

It is advised that you don't do this unless you are at a high level or are a mage. If you are a mage, you can cast detect enemies and easily find your prey. If you are at a low level, you will become the prey, because the monster will probably sneak up behind you. If you are a high enough level to survive the backstab then you should be ok.

There's plenty of room to move around and run if needed. Some people have mentioned that the patch version 200 creates more random encounters in the wilderness (unconfirmed). This trick also works in any dungeon with high concentrations of humanoid enemies, such as the dungeons of Castle Wayrest. During the quest that takes place in said dungeons (although you can visit them at any time) you will encounter a lot of knights, rogues, spellswords, etc. And they have a high probability of carrying the best valuables you can expect to find at your current level. The Rusty Ogre Lodge This method was also mentioned in The (In)Famous Beginner's Guide to Daggerfall by Mark Stinson (page 206). There are about a dozen footlockers upstairs.

If you save right in front of one, then load, plunder the footlocker, save, reload, and repeat, you'll get all the Daedric weapons you can possibly carry! And while still inside, the guards still screaming 'Halt!'

Downstairs, unload to your wagon and plunder some more. If you have an empty wagon and only save the Daedric weapons and leave the other junk, it's easy to plunder 3 million GP worth in just one trip!

(That is, provided you sell at a 'rusty' pawnshop - or at least described as 'cobbled together.' Both Holmarket and Newtower have 'rusty' shops and they're both within spitting distance.) To avoid the damage to reputation, be sure to cast a Recall spell (or use an item of Recall) and set the anchor to somewhere outside the building and make sure you have enough Magicka to cast it a second time. Then, after you're done plundering the joint, cast Recall again. Alternatively, it might be possible (if unlikely) with a high Stealth skill to sneak by the guards. Otherwise, being a vamp or being shaggy from lycanthropy should make your character immune to the guards' weapons, hence they can't try to make you surrender or hurt your rep. (verified in v1.07.213) Note that this does not work with inns where the guest room is the same as the footlocker room, like The Crimson Dungeon in Newtower.

Bizhub color copier repair manuals. If you save and reload in that room, you will not be able to interact with the footlockers, and will therefore not be able to reroll the contents.

THIS GUIDE IS CONSTANTLY BEING UPDATED WITH MORE INFORMATION AND UPDATES. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO THIS GUIDE FOR ALL UPDATES This is a guide for new and old players of the Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game Elder Scrolls: Online. This guide is designed to show you the ropes and maybe teach you something you didn't already understand/know about the game. It is strictly for entertainment purposes only and not intended to be an end-all know-all of ESO game-play mechanics and lore. I put a good deal of time into this to assist new players just starting out to really feel like they can read this and then start playing at 100% instead of starting at 10% and working their way up. If you have a basic grasp you can use the guide index to jump to a specific area of the guide. Please feel free to add comments with helpful tips and tricks that may help players understand the game better.

If you like the guide please rate and comment. Favorite it if you really like it. Thanks for taking the time to read it over. See you on the battlefield! Update: 12/4/2016: Updated images to appear in guide. Added 'Best places to level' Update: 12/6/2016: Added list of emotes/commands Update:: Corrected Lore Fact. This section will be on the very basics of Elder Scrolls: Online lore.

Some will be list, paragraphs or Q&A type sections. These are not in a particular order mostly fun-facts to get you to understand the basics. If you have absolutely no interest in lore then you can skip this section and move on to the next chapter. Personally I CANNOT play a game unless I like the lore, even silly mobile games. Question: Where on the Elder Scrolls Series does ESO take place? Answer: It is before all currently released Elder Scrolls games.

Games in order of Lore Timeline: Elder Scrolls: Online (1) Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard (2) Elder Scrolls Legends: Battlespire (3) Elder Scrolls: Arena (4) Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall (5) Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (6) Elder Scrolls III: Tribunal (7) Elder Scrolls III: Bloodmoon (8) Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion + DLC (9) Elder Scrolls: Skyrim + DLC (10) Question: Don't we already know the entire Cannon Story line if we are in a prequel of all of the other games? Answer: No, there are things called Dragon Breaks which ZeniMax and Bethesda own the rights too. In a nutshell its a tear in the fabric of time allowing for multiple different endings to all be Cannon. This would indicate that our time in ESO could be the start of a whole new time-line in the history of Tamriel. Article: Question: What are the Daedra and the Aedra? Answer: Daedra literal translation is 'not our ancestors,' as opposed to Aedra - 'our ancestors'.

You can think of the Aedra as the 'Good' Gods and the Daedra as the 'Bad' or 'Miscivious' Gods. It is a somewhat simplistic view however as you can not have one without the other there would be no good if there was no evil and vise versa. Aedra are the center of the most prominent relgion in Nirn. The Nine Divines consist of the eight Aedra and a man named Tiber Septum (Talos) who was so famous, loved and did so much for the world that he was put in the history books as a God of Nirn. Deadra are worshiped in the own way. There are a multitude of cults that worship the Deadra and a few well known guilds hail their patron as a Deadra.

Each Deadra Prince (Prince is a relative term most are genderless and some prefer to be seen as female but are still called prince) has their own realm of existance and their own overwelming personality. There are is one fallen Aedra that you can still see to this day. It died in helping save and shape Nirn.

The moons in the sky called Masser and Secunda are twin moons and are Lorkhan's (Aedra) sundered corpus. A fun-fact of this is the cycles of the moons actually effect the births of all Kajiit.

Depending on the moon cycle of the day of a Kajiits birth dictates how it will look from the color of its fur to the personality and physical and mental power of the Kajiit. Article: Article: Article: Article: Primary Antagonist for ESO – Primary antagonist of The Elder Scrolls Online. Lord Cosh - Primary antagonist of The Elder Scrolls Online: Thieves Guild. - Primary antagonist of The Elder Scrolls Online: Dark Brotherhood. - Primary antagonist of The Elder Scrolls Online: Orsinium. Sheogorath - Primary antagonist of the Mages Guild quest-line.

Aelif - Primary antagonist of the Fighters Guild quest-line. Legion Zero - Primary antagonists of The Elder Scrolls Online: Imperial City quest-line. Note-able Characters: - Daedric Prince of Domination. An old Mage that you find in Coldharbour.

Plays a much larger roll in the story later. - An undead werewolf who has raised an army of undead werewolves and has taken over Camlorn, High Rock. An Altmer necromancer, and head of the Order of the Black Worm. - Father to Clivia Tharn, the Empress Regent of Tamriel. - A Nord warrior with giant blood in her veins and personal bodyguard of Emperor Varen Aquilarios. - Son of Nazir Itaf Sahan of Bangkorai, was a Redguard noble, martial artist, master swordsman, and leader of the Imperial Dragonguard. - An old childhood friend of Blademaster Sai Sahan and a former instructor at the Abbey of Blades.

Faction Leaders: Aldmeri Dominion - Daggerfall Covenant - Ebonheart Pact- The Great Moot: Jorunn Skald-King, representing the Nords. General Yeveth Noramil, representing the Dunmer. Eyes-of-Steel, representing the Argonians.

The continent of Tamriel is divided into nine provinces: Black Marsh – Home of the Argonian race. Summerset Isles – A mysterious island which is home to the Altmer.

Cyrodiil – Home to the Imperial race. Elsweyr – Home to the Khajiit. Hammerfell – Home to the Redguard. High Rock – Home to the Bretons and Orsimer. Morrowind – Home to the Dunmer.

Valenwood – Home of the Bosmer. Skyrim – Home of the Nords. Was the first province to be settled by man. Other continents located in Nirn: Atmora – Home of the ancient Nords called Atmorans, before they settled to Skyrim. Yokuda – Where the Redguard race originated before they set foot in Hammerfell.

Akavir – Home of five races (such as the Akaviri). This is where Dragons originated from, before migrating to Tamriel. The Nine Divines / Aedra consist of: Akatosh Dibella Arkay Zenithar Stendarr Mara Kynareth Julianos Lorkhan Talos / Tiber Septim (Talos was a Dragonborn who ascended to the status of God by his loving subjects. He was not an original Aedra) The Daedric Princes consist of: Azura – The Daedric Prince of Dawn and Dusk, Mother of Roses, Queen of Twilight. Boethiah – The Daedric Prince of Murder and Deceit, Prince of Plots, One of the Tribunal. Clavicus Vile – The Daedric Prince of Wishes and Bargains. Hermaeus Mora – The Daedric Prince of Knowledge, Knower of the Unknown, Keeper of Knowledge, Keeper of Forbidden Secrets, Herma-Mora.

Hircine – The Daedric Prince of The Hunt, Father of Man-beasts. Jyggalag – The Daedric Prince of Order, Hatred of Madness. Jyggalag is in fact the original form of Sheogorath. The other princes cursed him into what he despises most out of jealousy.

Sheogorath becomes Jyggalag again at the end of each era (see Greymarch). Malacath – The Daedric Prince of Curses, Keeper of the Bloody Curse, Lord of Sworn Oath, Corner of the House of Trouble. Mehrunes Dagon – The Daedric Prince of Destruction and Change, The Changer, Corner of the House of Trouble. Mephala – The Daedric Prince of Spiders, Whispering Lady, Spinner, One of the Tribunal, Patron of the Morag Tong, Meridia – The Daedric Prince of Life, Enemy of the Dead, Lady of Infinite Energies. Molag Bal – The Daedric Prince of Domination, the Corrupter, Creator of Corprus, Corrupted Creator, Corner of the House of Trouble, Lord of Domination, the King of♥♥♥♥♥♥ and Enslaver of Mortals, Father of Vampires.

Namira – The Daedric Prince of Ancient Darkness, the Spirit Daedra, the Lady of Decay, the Eater of Children. Nocturnal – The Daedric Prince of Night, Mistress of Night, Mother of Thieves, Lady of Ravens, Lady Luck. Peryite – The Daedric Prince of Pestilence, the Taskmaster, The Lord of Lower. Sanguine – The Daedric Prince of Debauchery, the Lord of Sin, Master of Sins.

Sheogorath – The Daedric Prince of Madness, Mad-god, Demented Duke, Corner of the House of Trouble. Vaermina – The Daedric Prince of Nightmares, Lady of Evil Omens, the Dream-lady, The Collector of Minds. There are some other figures worshiped as Gods for example: Sithis The Nightmother Dragons (Worshipped by The Dragon Priests) - Now that we have a list of basic characters and understanding lets get into the basic meat and potatoes of ESO Lore. The game is set on Tamriel in 2E 582 during the Interregnum, a period of time between the assassination of the Last Potentate, Savirien-Chorak, and the rise of Tiber Septim, where there was chaos, bloodshed, and no Emperor on the Ruby Throne. Several years prior, the Cyrodilic Emperor Varen Aquilarios desired to become Dragonborn in order to light the Dragonfires in the Imperial City, thus legitimizing his claim to the Ruby Throne. The sorcerer Mannimarco was able to convince him that he knew a ritual that could accomplish this, but that it required the Amulet of Kings.

Along with the leader of the Dragonguard Sai Sahan, the half-giant Lyris Titanborn and the High Chancellor of the Elder Council, Abnur Tharn, they became the Five Companions. They were able to retrieve the Amulet of Kings and begin the ritual in 2E 578. At that moment when the ritual began, Mannimarco used his dark magic to immobilize the others and reveal his true intentions: he was an agent of Molag Bal, and the ritual in fact destroyed the barriers between Nirn and Oblivion in an event known as the Soulburst.

This event allowed Molag Bal to initiate the Planemeld, a forceful merging of worlds. Once the ritual was completed, aftershocks were swept across every corner of Nirn. Mages died or went mad, Red Mountain trembled in Morrowind, earthquakes shook Skyrim, and heavy storms devastated the coastlines of Elsweyr and Valenwood. The constellation of the Serpent grew so large that it seemed to threaten every star sign at once. The Tharn family, rulers of Cyrodiil through Empress Regent Clivia Tharn, made a pact with Mannimarco, the King of Worms, who agreed to supplement the Imperial's forces by resurrecting their soldiers, except for Clivia's father Abnur, who opposes Mannimarco. Molag Bal is harvesting the souls of mortals for more power. The hero, known as the Vestige, is an adventurer whose soul has been taken, which allows them to constantly return to life.

You are killed by Mannimarco in a sacrificial ritual and they are brought to Coldharbour, where you awaken to find a mysterious man known as the Prophet, who, with the help of Lyris Titanborn, helps the Vestige escape Coldharbour, freeing the Prophet, but also imprisoning Lyris within Coldharbour. Once the Vestige escapes Coldharbour, they awaken in Tamriel and are let loose upon the dangerous world. In The Elder Scrolls Online, the first struggle is against the Daedric Prince Molag Bal, who is attempting to meld the plane of Mundus with his realm of Coldharbour, and the second is to capture the vacant imperial throne, contested by three alliances of the mortal races. You have been sacrificed to Molag Bal, and Molag Bal has stolen your soul; the recovery of which is the primary game objective. Getting your user interface for a new game can be time consuming and what you really want is just to get into the game and start playing. Here are a list of settings that many people desire to alter and this list should save you some time in trying to find them all to get you in the game playing and having fun a bit faster! Windowed Mode From the character select screen - Settings - Video - Display - Display Mode.

You can set it to Windowed full screen, full screen or windowed. I prefer to use Windowed full screen because I run duel monitors and it is easier to switch out to change netflix or search something. Gamepad Mode Log-in on your character and press ESC. Navigate to Settings - Gameplay - Gamepad (BETA) and enable it. Auto Loot / Auto Loot Stolen Items / Consolidate Area Loot Log-in on your character and press ESC. Navigate to Settings - Items - Auto Loot and enable it.

Chat Bubbles Log-in on your character and press ESC. Navigate to Settings - Interface - Chat Bubbles (BETA) and enable it. NPC Subtitles (I love this feature as I am somewhat deaf in my left ear) Log-in on your character and press ESC. Navigate to Settings - Audio - Subtitles and enable it.

Chat Colors Log-in on your character and press ESC. Navigate to Settings - Social - Chat Colors - Change the colors there.

This might not sound important at first but you can be in up too five guilds so setting them all to display as a unique color is helpful. While the story is rich, the game play is amazing and the community is great.

The basic user interface leaves a bit to be desired. Lucky for you the game does allow Add-ons but only for the P.C. Version of the game. Important Note: Due to Steam's guide policy I can not use external links to Curse.

In lue of that I have given you the exact name and creator of each add-on so when you go to Curse you can quickly find what you need. I like to use Curse to get my add-ons. They have a fantastic program called the Curse Client that will automatically find your games, establish a link to the add-on folder for the game and install and un-zip the files properly for you with no adware or advertisement pop-ups. If you want to install the files yourself and not download the client you can do that as well.

MiniMap by Fyrakin The game does not come with a mini-map on the UI. There is a great add-on that you can get to add the functionality to your screen. Slightly Improved Experience Bar by L8Knight To view your experience bar you have to go into your character menu. It is somewhat of an annoyance if you are in a group trying to keep up with everyone and you have to go in and out of the menu to see your experience. To resolve this there is an add-on that will post the information directly to the U.I. SkyShards by Garkin This add-on will list all the Skyshards in the world to your map. You can then find them and get them as you explore without missing any to make sure you get all of your skill points from them.

LoreBooks by Garkin Lore Books will give you experience towards leveling your Mage Guild tree. The good thing about them is they are pro-active which means even if you collect them before you start your mage guild questing you will be awarded the experience towards leveling that skill tree if you read them before you pick up the quest. Undiscovered by dwot Until discovered some things will not appear on your map.

To combat this the add-on called Undiscovered is great to point you in the right direction. Master Merchant by Philgo68!! This addon is not on Curse, this must be added manually but it is totally worth it.

This addon can be found on. Here is a direct link to the download: Once you download it and un-zip it you will want to navigate to your My Documents - Elder Scrolls Online - Live - AddOns - Place the files there. Interacting with other players in a kind, respectful and honest manner is a must in ESO.

There is only one large server everyone is on so your reputation on the server actually means something. Helpful Tips: 1.) Treat everyone how you want to be treated. Kindness begets kindness.

2.) Trolling or harassment is generally not tolerated and people will not want to be associated with you or group with you. Tamriel is not a place you want to visit alone. 3.) Interact with people.

Have fun, make friends! You didn't start playing an MMORPG because you wanted to play alone. 4.) Help out new players. If you see someone asking questions and you know the answer, help them out.

5.) Use common sense. The majority of this section is common sense, but its better to have it in here and not need it than not have it in here and need it. What not to do, these are not polite suggestions or tips. So many MMORPG's have different specific lingo for their areas, game play mechanics and many other things. It can be quite the task to understand when people are asking you to do things or to go to a certain area. This is a list of ESO specific, MMORPG Specific and Location Specific Acronyms that you can reference if you feel overwhelmed in the beginning. This isn't ALL of them but it should be enough that you can understand.

The below section contains acronyms that are somewhat more specific to ESO rather than other MMORPG's. The current game model is you purchase the retail copy of the game and then there are no monthly fees. However, ZeniMax has to make money some-how. When you look at the crown store you may feel overwhelmed at first or think there is nothing worth it in the market. I would suggest (Pending you can afford it, remember it's a game Spouses, Kids and Bills come first) getting a few things. If it is not on this list, odds are it isn't important enough to pick up right away. Should invest in: Adventurer Pack - (This unlocks every race for every faction) Nuzhimeh the Merchant - (Gives you a merchant to summon and sale too) Tythis Amdromo - (Allows you to access your bank out in the world and the bank is account wide) Any of the DLC you don't own - (Unlocks a good bit of the game.) Starter Pack - (Gives you a mount and a few of the cash-shop items for a good price) Personality Emotions Pack - (Fun little addition to the game) Optional but fun: I would suggest at least one outfit.

Preferably a gender neutral outfit that you can use across all your characters for those times you don't want to use the armor look that you have on. Getting your skill line without trying to hunt someone down to infect you or doing the quest line can be a time-saver. If you really want to be a vampire or werewolf you can purchase your infection. Also, in this section you can add in Riding Speed and Riding Stamina. If you can afford it, pick up one of each.

You can buy it in game for 250 gold once per day but this will speed it up in the beginning to give you that extra boost. All of this being said you can get an ESO Plus account. This will charge you 14.99 USD per month with discounts if you buy it in bulk. This is really worth it in the beginning to collect your crafting materials. Access to all DLC game packs¹ Crowns to spend on the in-game store² Access to Costume Dyeing at Dye Stations Expanded crafting inventory (3) 10% bonus to experience points gain¹ 10% bonus to crafting inspiration gain¹ 10% bonus to trait research time¹ 10% bonus to gold acquisition¹ ¹Access to DLC game packs and character progression bonuses available for the duration of membership. Any progress made using the progression bonuses during the time of membership will remain. ²Total Crown allotment will be delivered at the time of purchase.

(3) In the event your ESO Plus membership expires, you’ll still be able to access any resources stored in your Craft Bag; you just won’t be able to add new materials to it. Elder Scrolls Online has a very different and very fun game play style. This guide should help you out with the basics, but I would REALLY suggest playing through the tutorial if you haven't played before.

Basic skills include: Double tap S or D to move left or right in a roll to dodge. Right click to block. Left click to basic attack. Space Bar to jump. H to use your mount.

Number keys 12345 to use abilities. R to use your ultimate ability. Q to use a consumable item like a Healing/Magika potion. Press Shift to sprint speed and Control to crouch and stealth. Before we get started, there is something you need to understand about ESO. This is not like any other MMORPG you've played. There are four basic classes.

Templar, Dragonknight, Sorcerer and Nightblade. Each class can do any job, some are better at one than the other but there is nothing stopping a Dragonknight from being a healer or a Sorcerer from being a tank.

Many games on the market go for the Holy Trinity Tank, Healer and DPS with each one having specific rolls/classes for them and ESO is similar in that aspect but there are some key differences in that each class can do anything and that its all about how you design, build and gear your character. A few basic things to be aware of: 1.) Standing in the red areas on the ground is bad. This indicates a imminent threat of an attack in that area, generally a special skill of the enemy that will deal more than average damage or cause a negative status effect to your character. 2.) You have to aim.

You are given a sight on your character that indicates where your attacks will land, try to keep them aimed on the enemy you are wanting to attack. ESO is not a tab target game, you have to be aware of what your character is attacking. 3.) Regardless of the fact that the zone scales to your level the rare enemies and bosses still hit like tanks on steroids. They can be easily identified on your map as a skull and crossbones they also have a different style health bar with ornate additions to the sides of their name plate indicating a boss, rare monster or harder hitting than normal enemy. 4.) When the game suggest blocking, block. It generally means an enemy is about to hit you with a charged attack. Blocking the attack negates some damage and can stun the enemy momentarily giving you time to attack for free or flee.

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5.) Synergies are group combos possible when playing as a team, and they trigger secondary effects that can be activated by pressing “X” when prompted. Synergy abilities are special group coordination skills that unleash stronger attacks. They are cross-class and give players the opportunity to make their attacks unstoppable. Article: 6.) Enemy synergy: Creatures will work together and create and execute the same deadly combos as the player, and are being coded to be smart enough to seek out strength in numbers. Some factions will have their own special combined attacks. Skill Trees Weapon Two-Handed One Hand and Shield Dual Wield Bow Destruction Staff Restoration Staff Dragonknight Ardent Flame Draconic Power Earthen Heart Templar Aedric Spear Restoring Light Dawn's Wrath ​Sorcerer Dark Magic Daedric Summoning Storm Calling Nightblade Assassination Shadow Siphoning Armor Light Armor Medium Armor Heavy Armor World Soul Magic Lycanthropy Vampirism Legerdemain Guild Fighters Guild Mages Guild Undaunted Thieves Guild Dark Brotherhood Alliance War Assault Support Emperor Racial There are passives exclusive for all 9.

races in the game. Some races share the same passive bonuses, while some do not.There are 10 races in the game if one purchases the Imperial Edition. Imperials have their own racial passives as well. Craft There are passives for each of the crafting professions: Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Clothing, Enchanting, Provisioning and Woodworking. Putting skill points into the top passives in the tree will give the player the ability to craft increasingly powerful weapons and armor the more skill points are put into the passive, which is tied to your level in a particular crafting profession. For example, you can put a skill point into the second tier of Metalworking in the Blacksmithing skill tree at Blacksmithing Level 10, which will give you the ability to use Steel Ingots, and the next tier will be unlocked at Level 20 which will give you the ability to use Orichalcum Ingots, and so on. Advanced- Champion System Champion System was introduced in Elder Scrolls Online in Update 6.

It is a Passive Skill system that rewards the player for continuing to play past level 50. Only Players Veteran Rank 1 or higher can earn Champion Points, but once earned can be spent differently for each character the player possesses on his/her account. The Champion System revolves around the Constellations The Warrior, The Mage and The Thief and the minor Constellations that lie within them. The Warrior, The Mage, and The Thief are known as the guardian constellations. They each have three lesser constellations in their charge, and together they represent aspects of power. Every constellation contains different abilities that you can purchase with Champion Points.

When you earn a Champion Point, that point will be assigned to the Warrior, the Thief, or the Mage, in that order. Once you earn a point in the Thief, for instance, your next point will be assigned to the Mage, and the next after that to the Warrior. You choose which of the three constellations under that sign to spend your point on. Champion Passives Each of the guardian constellations has a general theme.

Points spent in The Warrior increase your Health and allow you to improve your defensive capabilities. When you spend points in The Thief, your Stamina will increase and you’ll be able to choose utility bonuses, and points spent in The Mage increase Magicka and grant benefits to physical and magical offensive power. You may refund your points spent by paying 3000g. The passives offered by the constellations are diverse and allow you to customize your characters to your liking, no matter what kind of build you have in mind. Each constellation is comprised of individual stars, each with their own special bonuses.

You can spend a total of 100 points on each star in a constellation. As you spend points on stars in a specific constellation, you’ll unlock very powerful passives. These unlock at 10, 30, 75, and 120 points spent in a constellation. There are 36 of these strong passives total, and they offer the most impactful enhancements you’ll find in the Champion System. Enlightenment Enlightenment is a new mechanic to help you earn Champion Points.

Over time, your account will accrue Enlightenment. You do not have to be logged in to accrue Enlightenment. As you participate in activities that grant experience to your level 50 character, Enlightenment provides you with a bonus to Champion Point progression, helping you earn points faster. Eventually, you may run out of Enlightenment, but don’t worry—more Enlightenment is added to your account every 24 hours. Article:

TANKINGSkill is very important when playing a Tank character in ESO. Positioning, character and ability usage is the key to being a great tank in ESO. The main thing is to keep the enemies focused on you as much as you can. This will prevent group damage and allow the damage dealers to do maximum amount of damage without the risk of death. You're next focus is to stay out of the AoE damage areas indicated by the red light on the ground while fighting. Lastly, but just as important as the above two points is to deal damage. The more damage you do, the more your taunts+damage will keep the enemy focused on you also you will kill them faster which is good for your whole team.

HEALING Just as in any MMORPG healing is one of the most important jobs. Just like in real life it is pretty thankless but you will feel great about yourself. Most of the healing in ESO is based on HoT and AoE healing. Direct heals are there but they are high resource spells/abilities and you would be better off (Min/Max) using HoT/AoE for it all. However, you will need it once and awhile for making sure you can get your tank out of any pinch they get themselves into. Class Pros and Cons Templar + They have the only dedicated healing tree which is full of goodies. Every spell is viable for something.

+ Restoring aura, when morphed becomes a free spell which increases the groups hp and stamina regeneration. + All of the restoring light’s passives are useful but some depend on what heals you use. + Two strong Ultimate's. A group shield wall and a powerful AoE channeled heal. + Because of a healing tree, can cherry pick the best heals from everywhere + Highest burt healing potential of the 4 classes when combining HoT/AoE and the ultimate.

+ Spell reflect might be attractive for some fights as a safe defensive spell - Least amount of cc options - Some of the best heals are channeled/casted so requires some time - The better defensive moves are further down in the trees. Dragonknight + The first thing that will jump out is the DK has both defensive spells, and cc spells in spades.

So much so i wont bother detailing all of them, pick some you like and you cant go wrong. + Dark Talons is a great cc that will give you access to a group synergy very early and morphed it reduces damage output of mobs. + Spell reflect might be attractive for some fights as a safe defensive spell + Great group dps buff in molten weapons + Great group defensive buff in molten shield + Powerful defensive ultimate with magma armor which turns into a really nice group shield or enemy debuff - No stand out passive buff for regenerating magika - Most of really good spells rely on morphing spells - Probably the most gear dependent for keeping magika and stamina regeneration flowing.

Nightblade + Several spells can restore health or magika on kill. + Several also increase regeneration of stats on activation mainly stamina. + Great defensive buffs in blur and an escape in shadow cloak which can also dispel you when morphed. + Great hard CC with agony + Decent group cc’s but better single target cc’s + 2 Great ultimate choices with healing and utility to deal with different situations + Strong debuffs from several spells like mark target and veiled strike - Several spells can restore health or magika but on kill.

The effectiveness of some of the passives are dependent on how many spells from that tree are slotted. Lacks some group buffs in favor or debuffs (only a con since bosses can be immune to certain spells) Sorcerer + Strong CC options + Has a few good passives for reduces magika costs and regenerating magika. + A couple of good defensive spells to shake off damage. + Dark Exchange, an “evocative” type spell heals you and restore magika at the cost of stamina. + Ultimate's can be used defensively with absorption field, or offensively with the atronach Cheaper Ultimate's as well lets sorcerers be more aggressive with them - No stand out group buff or group utility but some decent debuffs - A lot of their self heals rely on dpsing the target - Some defensive moves and the pets require you to give up some max magika while toggled. Here are a list of builds for specific types of game play.

ESO Academy has a pretty good list of them that go into detail why you should/could pick that specific build over another. It isn't a need to go with one of them but it should get you thinking on the route you want to build your character. Here is a great video on Healing with Deltia again. Delves Delves are the most common dungeon in ESO and can be found in nearly every zone in Tamriel. Delves are small dungeons which can be completed solo or in a group. They will not scale to your level as they are publicly available.

Inside Delves it is common to find several enemies, a boss near the end, a Skyshard and a Lorebook. It is worth exploring Delves and they can make a great source of Skill Points via Skyshards. Some Delves are Dwemer Ruins, such as Bthzark in Stros M’kai and Avanchnzel in The Rift, which provide good locations to hunt for Dwemer Scraps and Dwemer Motifs. Group Dungeons Group Dungeons are difficult dungeons which are completed with a group of 4 players and will scale to the group leader’s level or to CP 160 if you use the Group Finder. Group Dungeons come in Normal Mode and Veteran Mode – these can be toggled in the Group Interface. Normal Mode can be completed at any level and is the less difficult option. Veteran Mode is much more difficult and can be completed when you reach Level 50.

Group Dungeons require cooperation and teamwork in order to be completed successfully and take much longer to complete compared to a Delve or even a Public Dungeon. Group Dungeons also feature a quest which can be completed whilst you go through the dungeon and will reward you with a Skill Point. Public Dungeons Public Dungeons are large and expansive dungeons filled with enemies, bosses and a couple of quests. There is one Public Dungeon in each zone, except for the Starter Islands and Cyrodiil. Public Dungeons are open to everybody at the same time and will not scale to your level. You will often meet other players inside completing quests.

The enemies inside these dungeons often come in large packs which can make exploration difficult without fellow players to help you. Public Dungeons often come with a main quest and several side quests which take you throughout the dungeon and often give trophy or collectors items as a reward. There are several bosses in Public Dungeons which, upon slaying them all, will reward you with an Achievement. Once you have completed all of the Public Dungeons in an Alliance you will unlock a new dye color specific to your Alliance. Public Dungeons also feature a Group Challenge – a difficult boss with several adds – which is best completed with a few other players. The Group Challenge rewards a Skill Point upon completion so it is worth the time to complete.

It can be difficult to find the Group Challenge and the boss requires activation – often by interacting with an object in a room such as a flame or an item. Dark Ancors Dark Anchors or Dolmens are specific places where the forces of Molag Bal set an 'anchor' point to pull Tamriel into Coldharbour. Each zone has 3 dolmens, except Cyrodiil that has 10 due to the multiple alliance areas (Starter Zones do not have Dark Anchors and so are not listed).

Dark Anchors are not always active. They are the 'World Events' of The Elder Scrolls Online, so periodically you will see a group of fanatics begin the incantations to summon the anchor and make it active. You can see the effects and hear the incantations from far away, and a horn will sound when the portal has opened and it's time to fight to defend Tamriel. There are several Achievements related to closing Dark Anchors, so check each zone and participate in the closing of each dolmen once. Trials (Raids) This in Elder Scrolls Online.

They are designed for groups of 12, and each has a leaderboard. Each trial has a Normal and Veteran mode, although the leaderboard and the majority of achievements are restricted to Veteran mode. Trials also have an additional Hard mode which can be activated manually within the dungeon itself. Trials originally had a group-wde Soul Reservoir mechanic which limited the number of respawns to 36. This was replaced in Update 9 with the Vitality Bonus system, which affects the final score based on the number of remaining lives but does not force the trial to end if that limit is reached. The trials in Craglorn originally had no Normal mode and did not scale to the group leader. This was changed in Updates 10 and 11.

This section will be updated as I gain more information myself. As part of this one basic feature you will need to know how to use is to teleport to the group leader. Once you are in the group press P on your keyboard and then select the group leader and right click. Delman Group!!! Before starting this for leveling purposes, navigate to your nearest Fighters Guild and sign up. Farming this for EXP will also increase your Fighters Guild level VERY quickly to unlock the bounties later.

How to get there: Navigate to the Alik'r Desert. You can also find a group through your guild/friends list and then teleport to the group leader. Rotation is as in the screenshot below: What to do: You will want to kill all the mobs as they spawn and then the Lord at the end.

One thing to keep in mind is to run back and fourth to the waypoints for free and fast travel. If you don't have all the way points use the Travel to function to gather them as the group starts to rotate. Cyrodiil is the capital province and central battleground of the Three Banners War in Tamriel.

The Aldmeri Dominion, the Daggerfall Covenant, and the Ebonheart Pact fight for control of the Imperial City, the Ruby Throne, and the province of Cyrodiil itself. The Alliance War in Cyrodiil involves seizing, holding, and controlling of massive strongholds and their resources, utilizing siege weapons, taking powerful Elder Scrolls, and crowning an Emperor for the respective Alliance.

Cyrodiil also offers PvE content, such as repeatable quests found in towns, exploring caves, crumbling towers, Ayleid ruins and more, as well as finding valuable crafting materials that can only be obtained in Cyrodiil. You may enter the province and engage in combat once you reach level 10, where you will be assigned to a Campaign and access to Cyrodiil from a safe location that enemies cannot enter. Players are boosted to the stats of a typical Level 50 (they are not boosted in the case of the player being Level 50 or above) so all players are given an equal chance, however, higher level players will still have more of an advantage as they will have more skills and passive skills than lower levels, as well as better armor and weapons. The first time you enter Cyrodiil, you will be able to take a quest that will serve as a Tutorial for Cyrodiil PvP.

This tutorial is very useful, and I recommend it to new players for 2 reasons: It lets you get some hands on experience with Siege engines, and it gives you a skill point when you complete it. You can also skip the quest by talking to a specific NPC after accepting the quest (it will be in your quest log info), but you will still receive the Skill Point. Once you have completed the tutorial, you’ll be able to take additional quests from boards in one of your two camps. There are 5 different types of quests, and you can take one of each at a time. I recommend having them, but don’t be too concerned with trying to get them completed. Just have them in your quest log, and if you complete one, you can turn it in for some Alliance Points and Experience. Article: Video: Beginners Guide to ESO PvP by Kevduit.

Player made guilds are a very important aspect of Elder Scrolls Online. A few things to be aware of is that the game is on a Mega Server which means there are not multiple servers with multiple guilds, its one server with a ton of guilds. A single account can be tied to up to 5 player made guilds at once, note I said account not character. Common guild types: RP - Role Play Guild Trade - A large guild designed to be a large scale trade forum General - Fun guild of hanging out, playing together and light dedicated raiding Leveling - A guild designed to quickly find groups and friends to play with to level Crafting - A guild designed to trade/give crafting supplies and ideas Social - Mostly just chatting, rarely playing together or exclusively together.

PvP - A guild focused on player versus player aspect of ESO. Guild functions and tools: Guild Banks Players can deposit or withdraw items and gold from this bank and the Guildmaster or an Officer is able to control what ranks are able to deposit and/or withdraw from the bank. Anything can be deposited in the guild bank, regardless if it is bound to your character or not and any item can be taken by any rank-appropriate player. Thus, it is not recommended to deposit your valuable items in the bank.

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Guild Banks have a storage capacity of 500 items. There is no limit on how much gold can be deposited. Guild Trader Guild Traders, also known as Guild Kiosks, are essentially public Guild Stores. Once a Guild wins the bid on, or buys out, a guild trader, the Guild's Store is able to be used by the public through that specific trader for one week (or in the case of buyout, the remaining time left on the bidding cycle). Gold from sales is split between the selling player and the Guild bank.

To use a Guild Trader, obviously, a Guild must have unlocked the Guild Store at 50 members. Once the remaining time is up, the Guild loses the ability to sell through the Guild Trader and must bid on/buy it again. Guild Traders can be found in every town in every zone with the exception of Cyrodiil, where Guild Stores can be used by the public through a specific keep if it is controlled by a guild, which does not cost any gold, as well as wandering the road. Guild Store Guild Stores work in two distinct ways. First, it will allow players in the Guild to sell items to one another internally. Secondly, if the Guild has captured a Keep/Resource in Cyrodiil, there will be an opportunity to sell to guildmates in that keep without having to teleport out of Cyrodiil. In Guild Stores, players can set their own prices and sell any item they want, provided it isn't bound to their character or an Imperial Edition item.

Since there is no global auction house system in The Elder Scrolls Online, guilds can be created with massive amounts of players for the sole purpose of trading/buying/selling. Guild Tabards are able to be purchased from the Guild Store, regardless of whether or not the guild has more than 50 members, but they will only appear blank until a Guild Heraldry is created Ranks Guilds start out with four ranks by default. A Guild can have up to 10 ranks which can be reordered, renamed and have their own logos. Any Guild can have any number of ranks regardless of member count. There cannot be two Guildmasters, but a rank can be set so it has all permissions enabled (except for editing permissions, which is exclusive to the Guildmaster). How to create a guild To create a guild, open the Guild menu by pressing the G key.

Then press the E key to begin creating a guild. You will need to give your guild a unique name and chose its Alliance affiliation, then select 'create' to create your guild. How to invite new members To invite new members to a guild you must have permission to invite them.

Permissions are granted by a guilds leadership. To invite a new member to a guild you have already joined, open the guild menu by pressing the G key and navigate to the Roster tab. Press the E key and enter the player's user ID, preceded by an @ symbol, or one of their character's names. You can invite players to a guild even when they are not online if you know their user ID or one of their character's names.


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How to chat in a guild Guild chat is initiated by the chatline '/g1' through '/g5'. The number 1 through 5 indicates the corresponding number of the guild you want to chat with. For example, typing '/g2 Hey Everyone' will change your chat channel to that of the second guild on your list, and then send the message 'Hey Everyone' to that channel. How to quit a guild To leave a guild you are a member of, press G to access your guild's menu.

Navigate to the 'Roster' tab, find your name in the list and right-click on it to show a personal menu. Select 'Leave Guild' and press E to confirm.

NPC Guilds in the Elder Scrolls Online are faction-independent NPC associations and allow the player to access several special quests and skills, providing alternate progression. There are three guilds that are available with the base game, and two guilds offered as DLC content for the game. In all single player TES games guilds were popular among players due to the interesting quests and valuable rewards. Elder Scrolls Online has retained this interaction with guilds. There are 5 main guilds: Fighters Guild You may join the Fighter's Guild after you have discovered some Lorebooks, special books spread throughout the world that shine blue with magical properties.

To rank up in the Fighter's Guild, you must destroy Dark Anchors and kill Undead and Daedra. Improving your rank will grant you new titles, and will unlock further skills. Each Dark Anchor closed gives?? Reputation, and each undead or Daedra defeated gives?? Mages Guild You may join the Mage's Guild after you have discovered some Lorebooks, special books spread throughout the world that shine blue with magical properties. To rank up in the Mage's guild, you must collect Lorebooks. Improving your rank will grant you new titles, and will unlock further skills.

Each Lorebook found gives 5 Reputation, and completing a collection of lorebooks gives 20 reputation. Dark Brotherhood You don't find the Dark Brotherhood, they find you. Their activities are performed out from the Gold Coast. You can go to any Outlaw's refuge to meet Amelie Crowe, or simply open your in-game collections Tab.

You will be told to visit Anvil. How to Rank up in the Dark Brotherhood's Guild: You must complete quests, sacraments and litany assassinations. Each contract grants 5 to 10 Reputation Thieves Guild You may join the Thieves Guild in 2 ways. The easy way to do this is to open your collections, go to DLC icon and accept the quest named 'Partners in Crime'. The other way is to find an outlaw refuge, and speak to Quen once inside.

She will also give you this same quest. To rank up in the Thieves Guild, you must gain reputation. Doing the DLC-related quests gains you reputation. There area total of 12 ranks of reputation. Undaunted You may join the Undaunted upon exiting your starting Isle and arriving to the first Main City of your Faction. Here, you may pick the quest One of the Undaunted.

At level 45, you should return to your Allegiance's Main City to take and complete Taking the Undaunted Pledge, as it will unlock special high level dailies. You will need to gain reputation with the Undaunted in order to Rank up. Reputation is gained by completing Dungeons Achievements in the Group & Veteran Dungeons and Trials. You will get 10 Reputation per achievement.

For Pledges, you will get: Bronze = 5 Rep Silver = 10 Rep Gold = 20 Rep All these guilds are famous and well known throughout Tamriel. A few specific tips for crafting: 1.) All white armor/weapons, deconstruct them for materials 2.) Green items you won't use, research them early to unlock craft-able traits. 3.) For alchemy, eat your plants and ingredients to learn what they do instead of using them.

4.) Gut your fish by right clicking them and using them instead of selling them outright. 5.) Stockpile the items you want to use early to craft. I am not going to re-invent the wheel on this section of the guide. There are a TON of guides already created that are 100% perfect for learning whatever craft you want to learn with tips, tricks and hints for doing it properly. Here are a couple of comprenhsive guides on ALL crafting specializations. Here are a few more focus fire guides on specific specializations. Great introduction to crafting video. Important Note: This is not in the game yet.

It is scheduled to be released 2017 quarter 1. There are 3 house sizes: small, medium, large and are themed after each of the 10 races for a total of 30 houses - Players can earn a free apartment through a quest at launch. You can upgrade to bigger houses with in-game gold and players can own multiple houses. Houses are account wide for all characters - There will be a new furniture crafting system for decorating the houses as well as selling to other players. Players can host other players and guilds in their homes.

There will be hundreds of items to use as decoration ESO: A look at player housing.