Cessna 206 Operator Manual


The number of single-engine airplanes capable of hauling a ton of cargo or six people around are pretty limited these days. Cessna’s Caravan is a top choice, but that $2.2 million price tag often puts it well out of reach for many pilots.

When I spent a day with a Cessna Turbo 206 in Wichita, Kansas, recently, I knew only of the six-place airplane’s reputation for hauling cargo and people. Not having flown one before, I assumed it was just a big 182. Not even close, as it turns out. The 182 uses a 230 hp Lycoming to carry up to four people or fly just over 900 nm at just over 130 knots.

At first glance, the Cessna Turbo 206H’s numbers said it wouldn’t even fly 800 nm. But it did have six seats. Then I noticed that the T206, also called the Turbo Stationair, slices through the air at just over 160 knots thanks to a turbocharged 310 hp ­Lycoming TIO-540 with a big three-bladed McCauley prop hung on the front. Although production rates for the Turbo 206 have slowed over the past decade, Cessna has built more than 1,200 of the SUV-like specialty aircraft since 2000. The 206 offers pilots plenty of flexibility, like adding ­fuselage hardware during the manufacturing process, making it easy to add floats or skis later.

Cessna added a pair of optional eye hooks to the top of the wing to ease hauling a floatplane-equipped T206 out of the water to hose off the salt. The airplane’s steel spring landing gear can be fitted with tundra tires to make backcountry flying even more fun. Cessna even included mud flaps on the wheel fairings. As a bonus, Garmin’s new G1000 NXi avionics come standard on a new T206. A first-time 206 operator will do a double take when they realize the airplane’s max load hovers just shy of 1,500 pounds, measured against its 3,789-pound max takeoff weight.

Cessna recently increased the 206’s useful load by 180 pounds based on customer demands. That change translates into an airplane with room for six 200-pound people and more than two hours of fuel, perfect for a VFR flight. If two of those passengers happen to be slightly less meaty, there’d be enough fuel for a two-and-a-half-hour IFR trip with reserves based on a 20 gph fuel burn. A closer look at the weight and balance documents show it’s tough to push the center of gravity outside the airplane’s envelope. Saddling up six adults and tossing some weight in the rear cargo area could do it, but just barely.

Slinging an optional cargo pod beneath the belly opens the possibility of loading 330 pounds of skis or golf clubs while keeping the CG intact. Choosing the optional oxygen system provides enough capacity for six people to breathe as the T206 climbs to its 26,000-foot service ceiling. Cessna’s largest piston-powered airplane also adds a door to the right rear of the fuselage to ease entry to the rear cabin, although that extra door comes at the loss of the traditional entryway on the right front of the fuselage. Pilots will be impressed with the airplane’s short-field performance too, thanks to a pair of barn-door-like flaps that can extend to 40 degrees in the full-down position.

Inside the cabin, the seats come covered in either real leather or Luxor synthetic material. Cessna says many buyers prefer the synthetic because it’s easier to maintain. I caught up with N254CS on the Cessna ramp at Wichita and began the walk-around with my demo pilot, Chelsea Carlin. The preflight began inside the cockpit by turning on the master switch to watch the new Garmin NXi avionics come alive in just five seconds.

The difference between the original G1000 and the new NXi is immediately noticeable, not simply because of the faster boot-up speed, but thanks to the improved resolution and brilliance of the displays. Missing on the NXi, however, is an electronic version of the pilot operating handbook, as well as any electronic method to calculate weight and balance. A typically equipped T206 is delivered with an autopilot and ADS-B In and Out standard, as well as backup instruments to support the NXi. The system includes VFR charts and the option for electronic checklists.

Other T206 options include synthetic vision, terrain awareness, air conditioning, an L3 Stormscope and a SafeFlight angle of attack indicator. Those real leather seats will set you back an additional $4,500.

I set the fuel on the totalizer under the NXi’s engine system page to full, or 87 gallons. Our ramp weight this June afternoon worked out to 3,270 pounds with two people on board, measured against a maximum weight of 3,809 pounds. Like a Cessna 172, the T206’s preferred fuel tank selector position is on “both,” except to cope with an imbalance. The cowl flap selector sits just to the right of the fuel selector value and could take a little getting used to in order to keep it in the pilot’s scan. Our T206’s shoulder harnesses were equipped with airbags. The big control wheel on the 206 creates the feel of a much heavier aircraft without diminishing the airplane’s responsive handling in pitch and roll.

The Garmin NXi display has retained much of the buttonology of the earlier G1000 system to ease the transition to the more powerful version. NDB navigation and approaches, commonly used internationally, require installation of a Garmin NDB receiver in addition to a GPS unit. The 206’s first notch of flaps can be lowered at approach speeds up to 140 knots, slowing the airplane down without stressing the engine.

Garmin’s new NXi offers crisp graphics and brilliant colors that are immediately noticeable by anyone stepping up from the original G1000. Pilots not used to operating a big engine will need to add the cowl flap handle to their scan to prevent overheating, especially during extended climbs. Outside again, it’s impossible to miss the huge elevator on the 206 that creates solid pitch control. The T206 uses massive ailerons too, with gates at the inboard edge to improve airflow at slow speeds. Since the back doors open near the trailing edge of the right wing, Cessna installed a micro switch to prevent opening the doors with the flaps down, or lowering the flaps when the doors are open to prevent damage to either.

In an emergency, however, even with the flaps down, there’s a simple method of opening one door to begin exiting the aircraft. A nifty safety option makes the LED landing and taxi lights flash automatically whenever the NXi notices nearby air traffic. The walk-around uncovered no less than five under each wing fuel drain and three under the nose. Eight quarts of crankcase oil is perfect to fly, although it can be as low as 6½ and still be airworthy. Cessna pilots say they feel comfortable operating the T206 out of a 2,000-foot or longer hard-surface runway. A shorter runway is possible but demands a bit more planning, a topic that led Chelsea and me to a discussion of power settings. The T206 likes 39 inches of manifold pressure for takeoff and climb, pulled back to 30 inches for cruise.

Cowl flaps are almost always open from takeoff to level off for cruise. The T206 is turbocharged, meaning the system’s turbine essentially stuffs additional air into the engine to make it perform as though it were still at sea level, giving the pilot access to all 310 hp up through about 17,000 feet, one reason for the 206’s impressive climb performance.

But this performance comes with a price, the need to be a bit gingerly with the throttle to prevent overboosting the engine. The pilot must also watch the turbine inlet temperature gauge to prevent cooking the engine in the climb, because the ­internal turbine creates an enormous amount of heat. Once the big Lycoming was idling, it produced a throaty sound I’m sure made people nearby turn their heads. On the ground, leaning of the mixture is a concern, but usually only when the density altitude exceeds 3,000 feet.

At Denver though, where density altitudes can easily approach five figures on a warm day, ground leaning is a must to prevent the engine from quitting when the throttle is pulled back to idle. In the air, the NXi’s lean ­assist function helps deliver a more efficient fuel flow. Taxiing the T206 through the rudder pedals ­delivers the feel of a much larger airplane. The airplane likes 10 degrees of flaps for takeoff, but depending on the runway length, 20 degrees is also a possibility. At sea level and maximum takeoff weight, 20 degrees of flaps yields a ground run of just 1,000 feet, even with an OAT hovering in the mid-80s. On takeoff roll, I brought the manifold pressure to the full 39 inches. Chelsea told me to rotate at 56 knots and climb at 90 knots.

By 40 knots, I could already feel the big single was telling me it was ready to fly. After breaking ground, the T206 quickly accelerated to 90 and I added back-pressure for the climb, retracting the flaps through 200 feet. The basic physics of flying a piston single came back to me very quickly in the T206, because with 310 hp and that big three-bladed prop, the need for a significant amount of right rudder was apparent as soon as the aircraft began to roll. The T206 is not an airplane for the faint of foot.

In fact, rudder movement was needed throughout the flight, contrary to the feet-flat-on-the-floor method of flying that many pilots use these days. Luckily, the T206 comes standard with an adjustable rudder trim. Holding 90 knots, we were climbing at 1,000 fpm. For me, at least, that spectacular climb rate also made it nearly impossible to see over the nose. I lowered the deck angle and accelerated to 125 knots and found I was still climbing at 600 fpm. Chelsea really liked a slower speed, so I tried 110 knots and found the airplane climbing at 1,400 fpm.

When we left Wichita’s airspace a few minutes later, I leveled at 4,500 feet and reduced power to 30 inches and 2,400 rpm, which translated into a 20 gph flow. Visibility out the T206 windshield is nice considering it’s a high-wing airplane and much above and behind is hidden. The airplane is a bit heavy on the controls, but not overly so. Just enough, I thought, to offer the solid feel I’d like on an airplane in the clouds.

I pulled the throttle back to 20 inches to get closer to the 125-knot maneuvering speed to prepare for some 45-degree bank turns. Be ready to use those rudder pedals in the turns. For traffic pattern practice, Chelsea suggested 18 inches of manifold pressure. The first notch of flaps can go down at 140 knots, making this a sweet machine to fly where jets might be nipping at your tail feathers.

The 206 likes 90 to 100 knots in the VFR pattern. Just be ready for a bit of a pitch up when those flaps start to extend. In a typical VFR approach ending in full flaps, we planned to cross the threshold at 70 to 75 knots.

I tried a few configuration changes before we tried a landing, and I’m glad I did. While the airplane is easy to fly, dropping that last notch of flaps (40 degrees) feels as if someone has thrown out an anchor. Being low and slow near the ground before dropping that last notch could ­deliver a face full of trees to an unsuspecting pilot. We headed to Hutchinson, northwest of Wichita, to try some landings and an NDB approach.

The landings went well after the first one when I confirmed Chelsea’s reminder about that last notch of flaps, making me realize I’d probably not add full flaps after breaking out at IFR minimums. With just 20 degrees, the T206 can easily pass over a 50-foot obstacle and stop in under 1,500 feet, so there’s no need to assume every landing demands all the drag.

While the nose remained lower on final during a zero-flap approach, the airplane didn’t float all that much before touchdown. The NDB approach, something I haven’t flown in years, took a bit more planning using the electronics. To legally fly an NDB, this airplane was equipped with an NDB receiver. While it might seem easy to assume a GPS overlay will mark the locator outer marker to Runway 13 at HUT, that NDB receiver is still required.

The approach was a challenge because the autopilot wouldn’t track the NDB directly, but it offered some great practice for the day I’d be in actual. As we headed back to ICT, I planned for a full-flap landing when we ran into the only hiccup of the day, although it had nothing to do with the airplane. The distance from HUT to ICT is about 40 miles, but it took us nearly 35 minutes to fly due to the arrival controller’s vectoring techniques that put us on a wide downwind 20 miles west and southwest of the airport before we persuaded him to let us turn toward the field. Not a terrible inconvenience, of course, but I’ve certainly seen the ICT controllers do a whole lot better. Once we shut down back at the Cessna ramp, it was easy to see why people love this airplane. It’s both fast and capable of carrying a lot of people and cargo and includes just about every modern convenience.

Despite the price difference between a new typically equipped T206, about $665,000, and the 182 I’d first compared it to that runs about $180,000 less with the same equipment, I couldn’t for the life of me understand why anyone wouldn’t choose a T206 over the 182. But of course, I’m not the guy writing the check.

665,000 (T206H, 2017) Developed from The Cessna 205, 206, and 207, known primarily as the Stationair (and marketed variously as the Super Skywagon, Skywagon and Super Skylane) are a family of single-engined, general aviation aircraft with fixed landing gear, used in commercial air service and also for personal use. The family was originally developed from the popular retractable-gear and produced by the. The line's combination of a powerful engine, rugged construction and a large cabin has made these aircraft popular. Cessna describes the 206 as 'the sport-utility vehicle of the air.' These airplanes are also used for aerial photography, skydiving and other utility purposes. They can also be equipped with floats, amphibious floats and skis.

Alternatively, they can be fitted with luxury appointments for use as a personal air transport. From 1962 to 2006 Cessna produced 8,509 aircraft in the 205, 206 and 207 variants. 1963 Cessna 210-5A The Cessna 205 was introduced late in 1962 as a 1963. The six-seat aircraft was essentially a Cessna 210 with fixed landing gear and with changes to the crew and passenger door arrangement, being officially designated by Cessna as a 'Model 210-5'. The 205 retained the early 210’s engine bulge, originally where the 210 stowed its nosewheel on retraction. This distinctive cowling was made more streamlined on the later Cessna 206.

The 205 is powered by a engine producing 260 hp (190 kW). The 205 was produced in only two model years - 1963 and 1964 before being replaced in production by the Cessna 206. A total of 576 Cessna 205s were produced. Cessna 206 The six-seat Model 206 was introduced as a 1964 model and was built until 1986, when Cessna halted production of its single-engined product line.

It was then re-introduced in 1998 and remains in production in 2018. There were many sub-variants, including the U206, P206 all certified to CAR3 standards and later 206H certified to Part 23. The total Model 206 production between 1964 and 2004 was 6,581 aircraft. Cessna U206 The original 1964 model was the U206, powered by a 285 hp (213 kW). The “U” designation indicated “utility” and this model was equipped with a pilot side door and large clamshell rear door serving the back two rows of seats, allowing easy loading of oversized cargo. There was a TU206 turbocharged version powered by the engine producing 285 hp (213 kW). After 1967 the turbo TU206 was powered by a TSIO-520-F of 300 hp (220 kW).

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The extra 15 hp (11 kW) was obtained by turning the engine at a higher rpm, and was allowed for only five minutes. Due to the large propeller diameter, the additional engine speed meant that the propeller tips were pushed to transonic speeds, which required much more power. From 1964 to 1969 the U206 was known as the “Super Skywagon”. From 1970 it was named the “Stationair”, a contraction of “Station Wagon of the Air”, which is a good description of the aircraft's intended role.

Sub-variants were designated U206 to U206G. In 1977 the U206 had its engine upgraded to a Continental IO-520-F of 300 hp (220 kW) (continuous rating, obtained at a lower speed than the previous IO-520-F) and the TU206 powerplant was changed to the TSIO-520-M producing 310 hp (230 kW). Production of all versions of the U206 was halted in 1986 when Cessna stopped manufacturing all piston-engined aircraft.

A total of 5,208 U206s had been produced. Cessna P206 The P206 was added to the line in 1965. In this case the “P” stood for “people”, as the P206 had passenger doors similar to the Cessna 210 from which it was derived, on both sides. The P206 was produced from 1965 to 1970 and was powered by a Continental IO-520-A of 285 hp (213 kW). There was a turbocharged model designated TP206 which was powered by a Continental TSIO-520-A also of 285 hp (213 kW). 647 P206s were produced under the name “Super Skylane” which made it sound like a version of the, which it was not.

Sub-variants were designated P206 to P206E. Cessna 206H After a production hiatus of twelve years, Cessna started manufacturing a new version of the venerable 206 in 1998, with the introduction of the newly certified 206H.

The “H” model is generally similar to the previous U206 configuration, with a pilot entry door and a rear double clamshell door for access to the middle and back seats. The 'H' is marketed under the name 'Stationair'. The 206H is powered by a powerplant producing 300 hp (220 kW).

The turbocharged T206H is powered by a engine of 310 hp (230 kW). This section does not any. Unsourced material may be challenged. (July 2017) Even though the Cessna 206H is certified as a six-seat aircraft in its country of origin, the Canadian aviation regulator, has certified it to carry only five people in. This is due to concerns about passenger egress through the rear clamshell door with the flaps extended. Cessna addressed one part of this problem early on, after a flight-test aircraft was damaged when the pilot extended the flaps while taxiing, and his passenger had the clamshell door open (for ventilation; it was a hot summer day). A switch was added to the flap actuation circuit which disabled the flaps when the doors were open.

The other part of the problem is that if the flaps are already down, the passenger must perform the complicated procedure of opening the front part as far as possible (about 2 in (5.1 cm)) then open the rear door and restow the rear door handle. This then gives enough clearance to open the rear part of the door. Both the 206H and the T206H remain in production in 2013.


By the end of 2004 Cessna had produced 221 206Hs and 505 T206Hs, for a total production of 726 'H' models. Cessna has indicated that they do not intend to produce a P206-configuration aircraft in the future, due to lack of market demand.

Cessna 207 The Model 207 was a seven- and later eight-seat development of the 206, achieved by stretching the design further by 45 inches (114 cm) to allow space for more seats. The nose section was extended 18 inches (46 cm) by adding a constant-section nose baggage compartment between the passenger compartment and the engine firewall; the aft section was extended by 27 inches (69 cm) by inserting a constant-area section in the fuselage area just aft of the aft wing attach point. Thus the propeller's ground clearance was unaffected by the change (the nosewheel had moved forward the same distance as the propeller), but the tail moved aft relative to the mainwheel position, which made landing (without striking the tailskid on the runway) a greater challenge. The move gave that airplane a larger turning radius, since the distance between mainwheels and nosewheel increased by 18 inches (46 cm) but the nosewheel's maximum allowed deflection was not increased. The 207 was introduced as a 1969 model featuring a Continental IO-520-F engine of 300 hp (220 kW). A turbocharged version was equipped with a TSIO-520-G of the same output. At the beginning of production the model was called a Cessna 207 “Skywagon”, but in 1977 the name was changed to “Stationair 7”.

1977 also saw a change of engine on the turbocharged version to a Continental TSIO-520-M producing 310 hp (230 kW) – the same engine used in the TU206 of the same vintage. The 207 added a seat in 1980 and was then known as the “Stationair 8”. Production of the 207 was completed in 1984, just two years before U206 production halted. A total of 626 Cessna 207s were manufactured. The Cessna Model 207 has been popular with air taxi companies, particularly on short runs where its full seating capacity could be used. Very few of these aircraft have seen private use. Modifications In April 2007 announced that the had granted a (STC) for conversion of Cessna 206s to the Thielert V-8 diesel powerplant.

The STC allows conversion of the following models: U206F and TU206F with the 300 hp (220 kW) powerplant, and the U206G, TU206G, 206H and T206H with the 310 hp (230 kW) version. This modification does not require any changes to the engine cowling. In May 2008, Thielert entered insolvency proceedings, so the future availability of this diesel conversion is uncertain.

Soloy Aviation Solutions offers a conversion for some 206/207 models based on the 418 shp (312 kW) Allison C20S engine/gearbox package. However, extensive engine cowl modifications are required. Atlantic Aero offers an FAA conversion to the powerplant. No cowl modifications are required.

Both Kenmore Air and Wipaire (Wipline floats) offer seaplane conversions. Variants. Cessna 205 205 (Model 210-5) Original 205 model, six seats, powered by a of 260 hp (194 kW), with a gross weight of 3,300 lb (1,497 kg) landplane and certified on 14 June 1962 as a variant of the. 205A (Model 210-5A) Six seats, powered by a of 260 hp (194 kW), with a gross weight of 3,300 lb (1,497 kg) landplane and certified on 19 July 1963 as a variant of the Cessna 210. 206 Original 206 model, six seats, powered by a of 285 hp (213 kW), with a gross weight of 3,300 lb (1,497 kg) landplane, 3,500 lb (1,588 kg) seaplane and certified on 19 July 1963.

U206 Super Skywagon First U206 model, six seats, powered by a of 285 hp (213 kW), with a gross weight of 3,300 lb (1,497 kg) landplane, 3,500 lb (1,588 kg) seaplane and certified on 8 October 1964. P206 First P206 model, six seats, powered by a of 285 hp (213 kW), with a gross weight of 3,300 lb (1,497 kg) landplane, 3,500 lb (1,588 kg) seaplane and certified on 8 October 1964.

Cessna U206A U206A Six seats, powered by a of 285 hp (213 kW), with a gross weight of 3,600 lb (1,633 kg) landplane, 3,500 lb (1,588 kg) seaplane, 3,300 lb (1,497 kg) skiplane and certified on 24 September 1965. P206A Six seats, powered by a of 285 hp (213 kW), with a gross weight of 3,600 lb (1,633 kg) landplane, 3,500 lb (1,588 kg) seaplane, 3,300 lb (1,497 kg) skiplane and certified on 24 September 1965. P206B Six seats, powered by a of 285 hp (213 kW), with a gross weight of 3,600 lb (1,633 kg) landplane, 3,300 lb (1,497 kg) skiplane and certified on 3 August 1966. TU206A Six seats, powered by a turbocharged of 285 hp (213 kW), with a gross weight of 3,600 lb (1,633 kg) landplane, 3,600 lb (1,633 kg) seaplane, 3,300 lb (1,497 kg) skiplane and certified on 20 December 1965. TU206B Six seats, powered by a turbocharged of 285 hp (213 kW), with a gross weight of 3,600 lb (1,633 kg) landplane, 3,600 lb (1,633 kg) seaplane, 3,300 lb (1,497 kg) skiplane and certified on 3 August 1966.

TP206A Six seats, powered by a turbocharged of 285 hp (213 kW), with a gross weight of 3,600 lb (1,633 kg) landplane, 3,600 lb (1,633 kg) seaplane, 3,300 lb (1,497 kg) skiplane and certified on 20 December 1965. TP206B Six seats, powered by a turbocharged of 285 hp (213 kW), with a gross weight of 3,600 lb (1,633 kg) landplane, 3,300 lb (1,497 kg) skiplane and certified on 3 August 1966.

U206B Six seats, powered by a of 300 hp (224 kW), with a gross weight of 3,600 lb (1,633 kg) landplane, 3,500 lb (1,588 kg) seaplane, 3,300 lb (1,497 kg) skiplane and certified on 3 August 1966. P206C Six seats, powered by a of 285 hp (213 kW), with a gross weight of 3,600 lb (1,633 kg) landplane, 3,300 lb (1,497 kg) skiplane and certified on 20 July 1967. TP206C Six seats, powered by a turbocharged of 285 hp (213 kW), with a gross weight of 3,600 lb (1,633 kg) landplane, 3,300 lb (1,497 kg) skiplane and certified on 20 July 1967. P206D Six seats, powered by a of 285 hp (213 kW), with a gross weight of 3,600 lb (1,633 kg) landplane, 3,300 lb (1,497 kg) skiplane and certified on 18 September 1968. TP206D Six seats, powered by a turbocharged of 285 hp (213 kW), with a gross weight of 3,600 lb (1,633 kg) landplane, 3,300 lb (1,497 kg) skiplane and certified on 18 September 1968.

P206E Six seats, powered by a of 285 hp (213 kW), with a gross weight of 3,600 lb (1,633 kg) landplane, 3,300 lb (1,497 kg) skiplane and certified on 28 July 1969. TP206E Six seats, powered by a turbocharged of 285 hp (213 kW), with a gross weight of 3,600 lb (1,633 kg) landplane, 3,300 lb (1,497 kg) skiplane and certified on 28 July 1969. U206C Six seats, powered by a of 300 hp (224 kW), with a gross weight of 3,600 lb (1,633 kg) landplane, 3,500 lb (1,588 kg) seaplane, 3,300 lb (1,497 kg) skiplane and certified on 20 July 1967. TU206C Six seats, powered by a turbocharged of 285 hp (213 kW), with a gross weight of 3,600 lb (1,633 kg) landplane, 3,600 lb (1,633 kg) seaplane, 3,300 lb (1,497 kg) skiplane and certified on 20 July 1967. U206D Six seats, powered by a of 300 hp (224 kW), with a gross weight of 3,600 lb (1,633 kg) landplane, 3,500 lb (1,588 kg) seaplane, 3,300 lb (1,497 kg) skiplane and certified on 18 September 1968. TU206D Six seats, powered by a turbocharged of 285 hp (213 kW), with a gross weight of 3,600 lb (1,633 kg) landplane, 3,600 lb (1,633 kg) seaplane, 3,300 lb (1,497 kg) skiplane and certified on 18 September 1968.

U206E Six seats, powered by a of 300 hp (224 kW), with a gross weight of 3,600 lb (1,633 kg) landplane, 3,500 lb (1,588 kg) seaplane, 3,300 lb (1,497 kg) skiplane and certified on 28 July 1969. TU206E Six seats, powered by a turbocharged of 285 hp (213 kW), with a gross weight of 3,600 lb (1,633 kg) landplane, 3,600 lb (1,633 kg) seaplane, 3,300 lb (1,497 kg) skiplane and certified on 28 July 1969. U206F Six seats, powered by a of 300 hp (224 kW), with a gross weight of 3,600 lb (1,633 kg) landplane, 3,500 lb (1,588 kg) seaplane, 3,300 lb (1,497 kg) skiplane and certified on 26 October 1971. TU206F Six seats, powered by a turbocharged of 285 hp (213 kW), with a gross weight of 3,600 lb (1,633 kg) landplane, 3,600 lb (1,633 kg) seaplane, 3,300 lb (1,497 kg) skiplane and certified on 26 October 1971. U206G Six seats, powered by a of 300 hp (224 kW), with a gross weight of 3,600 lb (1,633 kg) landplane, 3,500 lb (1,588 kg) seaplane and certified on 21 June 1976.

Cessna 206 Operators Manual

TU206G Six seats, powered by a turbocharged of 310 hp (231 kW), with a gross weight of 3,600 lb (1,633 kg) landplane, 3,600 lb (1,633 kg) seaplane, 3,600 lb (1,633 kg) amphibian and certified on 21 June 1976. 206H Six seats, powered by a of 300 hp (224 kW), with a gross weight of 3,600 lb (1,633 kg) landplane and certified on 26 November 1997. Cessna T206H T206H Six seats, powered by a turbocharged of 310 hp (231 kW), with a gross weight of 3,600 lb (1,633 kg) landplane and certified on 1 October 1998.

207 Skywagon Original 207 model, seven seats, powered by a of 300 hp (224 kW), with a gross weight of 3,800 lb (1,724 kg) landplane and certified on 31 December 1968. T207 Turbo Skywagon Seven seats, powered by a turbocharged of 300 hp (224 kW), with a gross weight of 3,800 lb (1,724 kg) landplane and certified on 31 December 1968. 207A Skywagon/Stationair 8 Seven seats, powered by a of 300 hp (224 kW), with a gross weight of 3,800 lb (1,724 kg) landplane and certified on 12 July 1976. Certified for eight seats on 11 September 1979. T207A Turbo Skywagon/Turbo Stationair 8 Seven seats, powered by a turbocharged of 310 hp (231 kW), with a gross weight of 3,800 lb (1,724 kg) landplane and certified on 12 July 1976. Certified for eight seats on 11 September 1979. Operators Civil The aircraft is popular with air charter companies and small cargo air carriers, and is operated by private individuals and companies.

Cessna 206 Pilot Operating Handbook

One of the largest Cessna 207 operators was, which had a fleet of 12 aircraft. Government. one U206G in the role. operates two Cessna T206 as of July 2018, which are due for retirement.

Cessna 206 Poh Pdf

1 Military., six × T207., two × U206C and 7 × TU206G., Operated between 1974 and 1980 the very first Cessna 206 (c/n 0001) as FACh 415, then sold it to civilian market., one × U206G. 4 T-206H.

5 U206G. 4 U206A/C. 2 U206G. 1 Cessna 206 operated 1968–1974.

Accidents. December 4, 1971 – Eastern Airlines Flight 898 (a ) collided with a Cessna 206 ( N2110F) while landing at. The Cessna crashed, killing two people on the plane, but the DC-9 landed safely. July 24, 1972 near, a 27-year-old student pilot with a total of 39 hours of flying time flew into a blind canyon and stalled the aircraft while trying to turn around, killing all four people on board. Among the passengers was wealthy playboy, entrepreneur, racing driver and developer, who was a Woolworth heir, son of and the husband of former Mouseketeer and actress.