Sql Lab Manual

  1. Sql Server Manual Pdf

Books.google.co.th - This book is for students preparing to become certified for the 70-444 and 70-432 Microsoft SQL Server 2005/2008 Database Administration exam. The Microsoft Official Academic Course (MOAC) lessons correlate and are mapped to the Microsoft Certified Information Technology Professional, (MCITP) 70-444. Exam 70-432 Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Implementation and Maintenance Lab Manual.

SQLcreate table stu(studno number(5) primary key,studnamvarchar2(20), class varchar2(20)); SQL desc stu; Name null? Create table employee(empid int(5) primary key,empname varchar2(25)); SQLdesc employee; Name Null? EMPID NOT NULL NUMBER(5) EMPNAME VARCHAR2(25) Valid Test Data: SQLinsert into employee values(&empid,’&empname’); SQLselect. from employee; EMPID EMPNAME. 10 Robert 21 Coulthard 30 Fernando Alonso 39 Kartikeyan 87 Kimmi create table department(deptid int(5) primary key,deptname varchar2(20)); SQLdesc department; Name Null? DEPTID NOT NULL NUMBER(5) DEPTNAME VARCHAR2(20) SQLinsert into department values(&deptid,’&deptname’); SQLselect.

from department; DEPTID DEPTNAME. sales. accounts. administration. production. supervisor SQLcreate table paydetails(empid int(5) references employee(empid),deptid int(5) reerences department(deptid),basic int(7,2),deductions int(5,2), additions int(5,2),doj date); SQLdesc paydetails; Name Null? EMPID NUMBER(5) DEPTID NUMBER(5) BASIC NUMBER(7,2) DEDUCTIONS NUMBER(5,2) ADDITIONS NUMBER(5,2) DOJ DATE Different Data Sets: SQLinsert into paydeatils values(&empid,&deptid, &basic,&deductions,&additions,&doj); SQLselect.

Brown organic chemistry solutions manual 7th. Offering detailed solutions to all in-text and end-of-chapter problems, this comprehensive guide helps you achieve a deeper intuitive understanding of chapter material through constant reinforcement and practice.

from paydeatils; EMPID DEPTID BASIC DEDUCTIONS ADDITIONS DOJ. 10 101 25023.12 43.09 71.23 08-JAN-93 21 100 10500.29 23.98 40.9 01-JAN-06 30 102 6500.5 30.54 15 06-JUL-97 39 103 9700.45 32.78 65.09 08-AUG-03 87 104 15000 97.66 154.8 24-SEP-04 create table payroll(empid int(5)references employee(empid),paydate date); SQLdesc payroll; Name Null? EMPID NUMBER(5) PAYDATE DATE SQLinsert into payroll values(&empid,’&date’); SQLselect. from payroll; EMPID PAYDATE. 10 31-JAN-06 21 03-FEB-06 30 15-JAN-06 39 27-JAN-06 87 04-FEB-06. c) List the employee details department wise SQLselect empid,deptid from paydet; EMPID DEPTID. 500.

200. 600. 400. 1200. List all the employee names who joined after particular date SQL select e,empname from employee e,paydet p where e.empid=p.empid and p.doj=’05-mar-06’; EMPNAME AVINASH NITIN PHALGUN.

List the details of employees whose basic salary is between 10k and 20k SQLSelect empid,empname from employee where salary between 10kand 20k; EMPID EMPNAME. AKHILA. aaaaaaaa EMPID EMPNAME. SQLcreate table student(studno number(5) primary key,studname varchar2(15)); SQLdesc student; Name Null? STUDNO NOT NULL NUMBER(5) STUDNAME VARCAHR2(15) Valid Test Data: SQLinsert into student values(&studno,’&studname’); SQLselect. from student; STUDNO STUDNAME. 508 HARISH 513 BALAJI 518 RAKESH 524 PAVAN 534 JOYCE SQLcreate table membership(memno number(5) primary key,studno number(5) references student(stud)no)); SQLdsec membership; Name Null?

MEMNO NOT NULL NUMBER(5) STUDNO NUMBER(5) SQLinsert into membership values(&memno,&studno); Enter value for memno:5440 Enter value for studno:510 old 1:insert into membership values(&memno,&studno) new 1:insert into membership values(5440,510) insert into membership values(5440,510). Errors Observed: ERROR at line 1: ORA-02291:integrity constraint(HARISH.SYSC002724)violated-primary key not found SQLselect. from membership; MEMNO STUDNO.

Sql Lab Manual

513. 508. 518. 534. 524 SQLcreate table book(bookno number(5) primary key,bookname varchar2(20),author varchar2(2)); SQLdesc book; Name Null? BOOKNO NOT NULL NUMBER(5) BOOKNAME VARCHAR2(20) AUTHOR VARCHAR2(20) SQLinsert into book values(&bookno,’&bookname’,’&author’); SQLselect.

from book; BOOKNO BOOKNAME AUTHOR. 9123 DBMS Rama Krishna 2342 JAVA Robett wilkins 4523 Fearless tales Alfred 8723 my ambition Harish 7821 Harry Potter JK Rowling SQLcreate table lssrec(issno number primary key,issdate date,memno number(5) references membership(memno),bookno number(5) references book(bookno)); SQLdesc issrec; Name Null?. Database Schema for a customer-sale scenario Customer( Cust id: integer, custname: string) Item( itemid: integer, itemname: string, price: integer) Sale( billno: integer, billdata: date, custid: integer, itemid: integer, qtysold: integer) SQL create table customer1 (custid number(5) primary key, custname varchar2(15)); Output: Table created. SQL desc customer1; Output: Name Null?

Type —————————————– ——– —————- CUSTID NOT NULL NUMBER(5) CUSTNAME VARCHAR2(15) Valid Test Data. b) SQL insert into customer1 values(&custid,’&custname’); SQL select. from customer1; Output: CUSTID CUSTNAME ———- ————— 100 ramu 101 kamal 102 raju 103 raju sundaram 104 lawrence SQL create table item(itemid number(4) primary key, itemname varchar2(15),price number(6,2)); SQL dsec item Output: Name Null? Type Custid NOT NULL NUMBER(4) Itemname VARCHAR2(15) PRICE NUMBER(6,2) SQLinsert into item values(&itemid,’&itemname’,&price); SQL select.

Sql Server Manual Pdf

from item; Output: ITEMID ITEMNAME PRICE. 2334 geera 6.25 4532 corn soup lays chips 20 4531 setwet duracell 45.5 SQLcreate table sale(billno number(5) primary key,billdate date, custid number(5) references customer(custid), itemid number(4) references item(itemid),qtysold number(4)); Out put: Table Created. SQLdsec sale Output: Name Null?